Need help my hens aren't laying

Oh sorry LOL
Hi. Any time ive got a mature hen that's laying she has stopped until she is comfortable at her new home. It can even take a couple of months. Now we're they all laying before you got them? Some breeds come into lay much later than others like Silkies for example. My Barred rocks started laying at 4 months old while my laced Wyandotte was slower to mature and laid at 8 months. Which is normal for her breed. I can't stress enough to KNOW your breeds! Some, like my sex link and Barred rocks lay every day while my laced Wyandotte lays every other. Also normal. Now, this time of year is a natural break for their bodies with less light, they will lay less while some stop all together for a time. So look at your breeds, is the breed a daily laying breed? Is the breed a slower to mature breed? Keeping in mind ANY breed when moved to a new home ceases to lay for a time. Usually laying one eggs in the beginning then stopping. Also take the time of year into account. I let my hens bodies rest but you can extend light to promote laying if you wish. However take the breed In account. If the breed only lays 3 eggs a week on a normal basis, light will not increase that amount and could actually stress them if they aren't used to it. 8 months is still young so I would not worry too much. Research your breeds and see what to expect in the lines of eggs. I really hope this helps. Come spring I'm sure you will get your regular amount of eggs for your breed. In summer I get 10 eggs a day. Now imy getting four or five. Its normal. So dont worry too much. Make sure they have a good diet with oyster shell supplements to keep egg shells hard and they should do well once adjusted. Enjoy them. Best wishes .
Thank-you so much for your info...What color should the combs be. I have one of each breed barred rock, sexlink ,Plymouth rock,Rhode island red and an aricauda..I'm not sure if they were laying before they were among 20 other chickens..
Thank-you so much for your info...What color should the combs be. I have one of each breed barred rock, sexlink ,Plymouth rock,Rhode island red and an aricauda..I'm not sure if they were laying before they were among 20 other chickens..

When hens aren't laying or before they start laying their combs are paler. Once they start to lay their combs become red. (If you have a pullet and cockerel together, it is easy to see the difference in their comb color. His will be much redder.) From my experience, once a pullet's comb turns redder she starts to lay, often within a week, a month at the very most.

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