need help sexing my babies please, i also think they are ee but could be wrong

the first picture is of the youngest
the second the birdie in the front?
the third is the same chic as the one in the backround of the first?
How old are they? For sure, I think that the first one is a pullet. But, I'm not sure on the other two- age would help.
This is a better picture of their little cute faces. Before they attacked the phone LOL. Left is my medium sized, center is the baby very small and so stinking cute I can't stand it, the big one on the left is biggest. I am not sure of their ages because I got them at our local feed and seed. When I went to the cage the 2 big ones were laying on the baby whom I named Hott Fuzz. Thank you so much for getting back to me, I have been dying to know anything. Am I right is guessing they are EE. Was told they were Ameruana but am doughtful

They all look like pullets to me, with the possible exception of the bird on the left in the most recent photo. I don't know what breed they are, but I don't think they're EEs. Could be random barnyard mixes. Very cute, though!
From the new photo, I think that they are all pullets. They look a bit like Easter Eggers, but they might just be a random mix.
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I'm so excited!!! And I just can't hide it!!!! I was hoping for a roo but I will take some more hens!!! THANK YOU
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The store had them marked as ameruanca so I guess they were way wrong

Well, techincally they had them labeled right, at least according to what the hatchery sold them - it is disgustingly common for hatcheries to sell "ameraucanas" (or americaunas in a cute little sidestep acknowledgement of what they are doing) which are actually Easter Eggers. If you read the fine print on their websites, most do acknowledge that they are not selling true bred ameraucanas - which begs the question of why they continue to label them as such. Granted, one could argue that this information is also readily available to the retailers, but you can't *really* blame them for taking the product they are sold by their distributor and selling it for what they are told it is.......
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they are growing so fast, they have muffs and I am so excited. I will try to get a picture up today and maybe they have changed enough for another guess. I am truly hoping too have 2 hens and a roo I don't want to have to give one or two away.

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