Need help sexing silkie/australorp cross and SL wyandotte/australorp cross


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 7, 2012
Victoria BC, Canada
Well, I have 2 chicks hatched Feb11, 2013. One is a white silkie/australorp cross and the other is a SL wyandotte/australorp cross. The australorp side is my beautiful rooster. I need helping in determining their sexes
. See pics below:

this is my silverlaced/australorp cross( 6 weeks old in this picture)

this is my silkie/australorp cross( same age, and definitely took after the australorp as only has a little white on the chest.)

wyandotte cross on the left and silkie cross on the right

Thanks! look forward to replies!
Wyandotte mix looks like a cockerel based off of comb and wattle development and coloring
Thanks I have troubles with that chick because my wyandotte hens have a double comb and one of them is more red. see pics below: But one thing that I noticed today is that my silkie chick has more of a whistling chirp and the wyandotte sounds more raspy, but my hens make roo like sounds, or low growls at times? very confusing


she is almost a year


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