Need help with Corid dosage

Right on. You can put the extra in the fridge. I would even make the mash with their crumbles. Also, is your starter medicated with Amprolium? That is good if it is. But if it isn't I'd get them all on the mash. My chicks just went for it.

With the sickest one I would spend long and quality time with the Corid water and dropper (no forcing down the throat into the lungs )
Yes medicated feed.
Like I said no other symtoms they are all running around fast like chickens. Can't even tell which ones are pooping the blood but I found 2 stools that were almost all blood whish I could figure out which 1 or ones it it watched for 2 hours no luck
Maybe I wrote this already, but JIC (because I am jumping between 2 thread with the same issue) No electrolytes or vitamin supplements because they have thiamin, a B vitamin which the protozoans need to proliferate.
I am very very much a probiotics-pusher but I would not chance it right now. Nothing but crumbles and Corid water for the duration of the treatment and when everyone is better (when treatment is done) then I would put ACV in their water....starting with one teaspoon per gallon and working it up over time to a tablespoon per gallon. And (my preference) I would keep them on starter crumbles with Amprolium. It's not antibiotics and they may really need it down the road. But for now I would let the Corid do it's thing and not risk interference. I do believe there are vitamins also in ACV.
Here we go. I just googled this. So you don't want to

Substances in apple cider vinegar

Scientists have measured ninety different substances in apple cider vinegar such as thirteen types of carbolic acids, four aldehydes, twenty ketones, eighteen types of alcohols, eight ethyl acetates etc.
It also contains important minerals, trace elements and vitamins (as listed underneath) as well acetic acid, propionic acid, lactic acid, enzymes, amino acids as well as roughage in the form of potash and apple pectin.


Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Provitamin beta-carotene, Vitamin P.

So that's a nix. Thiamin is Vitamin B1.
I have BO's 15 of them
3 leghorns (white)
And a Black Copper Marans Rooster who was a later addition, and who is three months older than the girls. Hired to hawk-watch and take care of the girls. Trying very hard to convince him he's still a baby so the girls get a chance to grow a bit more. He's a nice looking one but no champion I think. Feet are a bit wide and his back slope is too pronounced. But hey, I'm not a racist! Won't be breeding, though. I would like a few BCM pullets at some point I think. Where did you get yours (so I know where not to go!) BTW.....coccidiosis happened shortly after Boaz joined the girls.
Yes I ippe all the beaks an then they took more drinks. I was giving acv before today but already thought to not give it till this is over and I do amd will continue feeding medicated starter till about 3 or 4 months then they will get cracked whole grain layer feed from our local feed mill. They usually grind it into mash but I like cracked its allready pretty fine. Then in the winter for warmth I will give pop corn free choice it is only 6 dollars a 50 lb bag straight from the factory. (sorry rambled I have a tendency to do that some times)
No, ramble away. That is awesome. Our winters are not just cold....they can be mean. Have been reading about different feeds today and also about corn for warmth (probably GMO. :(

My girls are now about 25 week but some are getting really red and bigger combs and wattles so they are getting ready. I was thinking about going to the mill. Can you tell me what you use for

your layer feed and what ratios?

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