Need help with Corid dosage

I just tell them to crack there usual layer mash instead of grind it I can ask them next time I go what is in it I just know whole grains and some kind of suplement for laying hens oh and animal protine . Our winters can be bad to northern Illinois I'm luck to live by tee-lee popcorn factory because it is small enough to not have to crack feed a lot of birds whith it in the winter it realy does raise body temp. My oldest right now are 7 americuanas 3.5 months then I have 26 BCMs between 3 days and 3 weeks in same brooder.
Hope they get though this $8 apiece lots to loose.I'm not emotionaly attached to them but I was my money.
ok i need help... i treated for cocci becouse i had two chicks hunched over droopy wings and ruffled feathers they both died i just lost another yesterday even though they were treated now i have another one displaying the same way so im thinking of trying antibiotics what should i try abd whats going on with my babies they are 3 weeks old in a xlarge dog crate with pine bedding
ok i need help... i treated for cocci becouse i had two chicks hunched over droopy wings and ruffled feathers they both died i just lost another yesterday even though they were treated now i have another one displaying the same way so im thinking of trying antibiotics what should i try abd whats going on with my babies they are 3 weeks old in a xlarge dog crate with pine bedding
I am so sorry. I just now came across your post. Did you get help elsewhere?

I am no expert. Limited experience. Lead Wolf is the first contributer on this thread. I would alert him. Another person who helped me a lot and talked me through by bout of coccidiosis was ChickensAreSweet (from Oregon, I think)

Can you let me know how it goes? It might be that some were too far gone.

I wonder about multiple issues, too.
One more consideration is that re-infection can occur after a birds system is cleaned out. Treating for a couple more weeks at a reduced dose (one vet told me to use 2 teaspoons / gal of liquid Corid to treat and at that rate use ½ teaspoon for a couple week period post treatment) so that as the birds gets exposed to coccidia again, they will be able to build up a resistance.

I was also told that illnesses in chickens should not prevent you from eating the eggs. However if you treat birds with meds then some meds are OK to use and keep eating eggs while other are not OK. Corid is supposed to be OK.
An additional clarification is that the dosage I was talking about was in terms of adult chickens and even though eggs may be safe, if things like Salmonella are involved, then you can get sick if not adequately cooked. Also, some people may be more sensitive to safe meds (even in correct dosages) than others.

Remember to not just read blogs on the web and take everything as gospel… Do your due diligence in looking for info.
I'm dealing with the same problem with my 1yr. old chickens today too. what did we decide then 1/2 teas. per gallon?
i did 1 tea spoon to 1 qt and they were still looking sick so i stopped corid and went with antibiotics then they got better fast..i think it was zithromycin mix 1 teaspoon in 1 qt not expert with this but mine were all dying so i figure it couldnt get any worse but thankfully they got better
1 tsp to a gallon. If you have a cocci bird in the coupe and know which one. It isnt a bad idea to:
separate the bird and use a small water container for his water and just draw a cup off of the gallon you mixed for his supply.
add a little D-mannose for the isolated bird after 5 days and keep it going until his stool no longer has blood and is of good consistancy (solid).
an elevated pen is a good idea for the sickly bird to avoid further exposure.
use a 1 gallon feeder for the other birds and let it ride until almost empty and remix on refill. (remove any other treated containers).
keep it up for 7 days... this dosage wont hurt them even if they dont have cocci. I always keep a little d-mannose in the water because it acts as
a good prevenative and it is relatively cheap.

other prevenatives:
make sure the coop is in an area where it gets good sunlight (natural vitamin d is good for lots of things but always helps fight cocci).
dry ground kept clear of tall grass is less appealing to the coccid which in my area is almost impossible to maintain where i live.
alot of starter grower feeds have medication additives that help fight off the worm... probios (pro-biotics)...
any area where you see the fecies that is indicitave of cocci, it is best to clean the area so that no residue remains.
amonia is a good cleaning agent to insure the area is disinfected (bleach doesnt work very well for these bugs)...
Elevate your drinkers and feeders to about back high to keep the birds from getting stool in either...

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