need help with duramycin dosage and watering


7 Years
Jul 22, 2012
Hello All,

I have several of my chickies weezing and sneezing. I have 26 birds and this morning started Duramycin (1 tbs per gallon of water).

My coop has no electricity so I have to take water out 3-4 times per day before it freezes (it is 10 degrees now). I take one gallon of warm water out each time. My question is: how many gallons of water should I be putting out with meds per day? I have done one so far.

I sure hope this works for my birds. I have read that Duramycin doesn't always do it.

Thanks so much for your help!

Springdale WA
The medicated water should be their only water source during treatment, so if the drink two gallons a day, then make two gallons. If you have puddles from the rain around the medicated water might not work.


Thank you!!! No worries about puddles since it is all snow BUT I did notice some chickies eating snow. I treated 2 gallons today and most of it was gone. I will keep them in the coop tomorrow so they can't eat snow. It may be too soon but I swear I heard less wheezing tonite.

Thanks again!


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