Need Help With Feed - Made a Newbie Mistake Buying Feed

Basia St Clair

Apr 28, 2020
My Coop
My Coop
The bottom line of the issue is that for the last few weeks I've been feeding my pullets Chick Start34 with bacitracin methylene disalicylate (BMD) which i just discovered is an antibiotic!

1) new to chickens - i have three pullets that are 15 weeks old. Raising them for eggs.
2) I started them on Mana Pro Medicated Chicken starter with Amprolium. I was not confident enough as a new chicken owner to go with non medicated.
3) the chickens do get some food scrapes and can free range (eating bugs, grass, weeds) about 1/4 of the time. I put ACV in their water.
4) I switched to chicken feed from my local Co-Op about maybe 3 weeks ago. I did this because the Co Op folks know so much about all things farming. They are great. A large bag of feed was very reasonably prices. But i did not ask the right question. Didnt even know the question to ask :).
5) Yesterday I finally found the tag on the bag and discovered that the feed contains bacitracin methylene disalicylate (BMD). I am upset because I wanted to raise chicken antibiotic free. :barnie

here are my questions:
1) Can i switch feed immediately, or do i need to ween them off of the antibiotics? I know in humans, cutting out antibiotics too soon can cause more issues then following through on the entire dose. But i have no idea how long chickens should be on this type of antibiotic if I've already started it.
3) Did i cause harm to the chickens mixing BMD and Amprolium?
2) How long will the antibiotic be in their systems? Will my Eggs have antibiotic residue?

I order a bag of Scratch and Peck Naturally Free Organic Grower Feed For Chickens & Ducks which should arrive this week.

Before i go off and do something wrong again wanted to know how to introduce this food. I am also fermenting the food, which the girls love. So i intent to ferment the new food as well.

Thanks for your help!
On one hand, you have done no harm to your birds, and the antibiotic is approved for use in chickens.
As far as 'organically raised', they aren't, and there's more to 'organic' that the antibiotic use; it includes everything the birds eat, including food scraps (all organic?) and any pesticides or herbicides used on their range area, for some products, for several years. Actually raising birds as 'organically raised' officially, is a very high bar to get over.
Meanwhile, transition them to a feed that appeals to you, and move forward.
BTW, feeds made up of whole grains can be a problem, especially for some individuals, who pick out the yummiest bits and leave the rest, so don't actually get a balanced diet.
A problem with ordering feed online is the freshness issue; every bag will have a mill date on it somewhere, and it should be fed within two months of milling for best nutritional value. I buy feed locally, so I can see the mill date on each bag before purchase.
Hello and welcome BYC! I’m not expert but just from what I’ve read about this type of feed, here’s my semi-educated answers

1- You can gradually mix in the other feed as you switch them, but I’ve read no info as to if this is absolutely needed or not, so it’s whafever makes you more comfortable.

2- If anything you may have just canceled out the two compounds in the feed by feeding them both. Keep an eye on them and make sure they have plenty of water, but since you’re switching feed it should be ok.

3-Again, from my reading on this, there are no know adverse side affects that would be extend to the condition of the eggs nor consuming them.

But that’s my tidbit of info. I’m sure more who have more insight will reply. Good luck!
The amprolium is not an antibiotic, it's designed to prevent chicks get an overload of coccidia and develop illness when they are on your soil. the bacitracin was used in broiler flocks, as I recall, and didn't realize it could still be present in an OTC feed. The two products don't interact badly, but it's too bad you bought something undesirable.
Must read labels!
Your birds will be fine, and unless you are rigid about the organic management issues, I'll bet your food scraps weren't totally organic either...

Thanks so much Mary!
Yep - lesson learned - read labels.

I am not huge on raising my chickens "organic". I just am opposed to antibiotic overuse in almost everything (all consumer animals and people).
I did understand when I was feeding Mana Pro that Amprolium is the thiamine blocker, not an antibiotic. What i was trying to avoid was antibiotics.
All my food is "organic" because I either buy it organic OR grow it in my garden with zero pesticides (I grown companion food, cry when the squash bugs take over, pick off many, many insects :)) and fertilizers (i only use things like bean water, my own compost, etc.)

I was just worried about changing the food for the chickens. I want to cut out the food with antibiotics immediately and it sounds like i can do that.

I am trying a small bag of the Peck and Feed food. Any suggestion on the best food would be great. My babies are pretty picky eaters so far. They did not eat meal worms, but LOVE LOVE LOVE the carrot greens. The devour my strawberries and grapes. They definitely have preferences so I am worried they will be picky about a new food. Time will tell.
Thanks so much Mary!
Yep - lesson learned - read labels.

I am not huge on raising my chickens "organic". I just am opposed to antibiotic overuse in almost everything (all consumer animals and people).
I did understand when I was feeding Mana Pro that Amprolium is the thiamine blocker, noMin
Thanks so much Mary!
Yep - lesson learned - read labels.

I am not huge on raising my chickens "organic". I just am opposed to antibiotic overuse in almost everything (all consumer animals and people).
I did understand when I was feeding Mana Pro that Amprolium is the thiamine blocker, not an antibiotic. What i was trying to avoid was antibiotics.
All my food is "organic" because I either buy it organic OR grow it in my garden with zero pesticides (I grown companion food, cry when the squash bugs take over, pick off many, many insects :)) and fertilizers (i only use things like bean water, my own compost, etc.)

I was just worried about changing the food for the chickens. I want to cut out the food with antibiotics immediately and it sounds like i can do that.

I am trying a small bag of the Peck and Feed food. Any suggestion on the best food would be great. My babies are pretty picky eaters so far. They did not eat meal worms, but LOVE LOVE LOVE the carrot greens. The devour my strawberries and grapes. They definitely have preferences so I am worried they will be picky about a new food. Time will tell.
My chicks seem suspicious of anything new. It doesn't matter if it's food or a change in their coop. It takes 2 or 3 days to get used to it and then they love it.
I am trying a small bag of the Peck and Feed food. Any suggestion on the best food would be great.

Since you're already familiar with fermenting, that's the best way to go with Scratch & Peck feed, to ensure the birds eat everything in the mix.

They may be confused by it the first couple of days but if you make the new feed their sole source of food for the time being (no snacks) they'll eventually try it. Mine have always taken to it with little issue.

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