Need ideas for xmas

How but something custom made? Sounds like she has "everything" and buying an Ipod when she has a cell and DSi (plus the internet on the DSi can be so sketchy) would be pointless. Check out type something she likes in the search bar, and see what comes up.
My daughter is 25 now but she, like your daughter had everything. Better electronics that WE had. LOL. That's why I suggested the day spa. She could get fingernails and toenails painted and the spa treatment. Treat her like Daddy's Princess. At least it's not something else to clutter up her room. Maybe you could take her to dinner at a nice restuarant after the spa.

On the horse stuff.......I have 3 horses, a mule and a donkey. I have saddles, bridles, bits, brushes, combs, buckets.........there is always a need for MORE! Right now in drought stricken Texas, a bale of hay would be a WONDERFUL gift!!!!

How brave are you Daddy? My DH would go to the mall with our daughter and spend the day, just them two, shopping for her. He would buy her an outfit, sometimes shoes and have lunch. They both loved it.
Well I have been thinking that maybe for the horse idea we would get the round pen she wants. More than the $150 we want to spend but it would help out the whole family and something we plan to do anyway. That would get her very excited but not sure how I would suprise her with it?

The day spa thing we have done before for her birthday. And yes she is the princess. The only girl of the four kiddos.

I thought about a new piano. She plays piano so beautifully and the piano she has is an older one.

I just wish she was as easy to buy for as the boys. I know what they want and will be so excited about.

I thought about getting her tickets to one of her favorite singers.
The concert tickets would be a cool idea.

Another thing you could do, although it wouldn't be a surprise, is tell her that you have the $150 to spend for her gift, and just ask her what she wants.
and completely random here: is there a product / fast food place / company she really is in to? Buy a few shares of stock, in her name directly. She will be a shareholder, and get the "inside" stock reports and all that sort of thing. - - - I had a relative that really enjoyed the company he worked for, so I bought a minimum amount of stock from the local bank. He enjoyed reading what was going on from that aspect, and being able to lord it over his fellow wage slaves that he owed the company sort of.

ok, lame

but she's not to young to start following something financial. a Swiss bank account. Savings bonds from some "interesting" country. Kinda funny, kinda serious.
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