Need info


In the Brooder
Mar 24, 2019
Hello i purchased 12 chicks from tractor supply I have a few questions. 1. How old are they? 2. One constantly chirps what can I do? 3. Do I need to keep a red light on them all the time ? 4. What temperature does it need to be in the box ( I have it set at 74 degrees f)
usually the ones bought in the store are only a few days old. Your brooder is too cold and that’s why the chick is chirping. It needs to be 95 degrees the first week, then down 5 degrees every week after until they are six weeks old and can go outside. Yes you must leave the lamp on at all times or they could get chilled and die.
Hope this helps! Enjoy your new flock!
1) they are probably a few days old
2) it is normal, probably too cold or hot
3) they need a heat lamp on them at all times on only half the brooder box
4) the temp should be 90-93* best way to tell is if they are all huddled together all the time they are too cold. All spaced out all the time they are too hot.
1. If you can post a picture, that'll help :). When TSC gets them, they should be no more than 3 days old
2. I think it's normal. If it eats drinks and poops fine I don't think it's really something to worry about (but I'm not an expert)
3. Until they're older. They need the light on 24/7 for at least the first 5-6 weeks of their life
4. Keep it no less than 90F. (Each week reduce 5 degrees)

Have fun with your chicks!
It's good to have enough room in their box/brooder that you have the light on one side, (like said above, 95 degrees) and enough room that they can get away from it if they want. I used to use a couple big cardboard boxes hooked together with a big hole so they could go back and forth, light on one side, food and water on the other.

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