Need MORE help with a chick that has an unabsorbed yolk- new problem

Hi, how's the little one doing? Sorry I missed all the drama, we're a few hours ahead of you. Thanks for the update though. She's adorable!
Not an expert, but could you drip some electrolytes fluid through an oral syringe into its mouth, or if you don't have that some honey dissolved in warm water? it might give it the energy boost it needs to perk up.
We cut the chord attaching the chick to the gunk/shell both had dried. I put antibiotic ointment on its navel and it healed nicely (See the before and after photos). However, It's been thirteen hours since hatching and it still hasn't walked, can't even really stand. Its feet are thrust in front of it and whenever I try to help it, the chick can't seem to support its weight on its legs. See the photos below for more of an idea... It can lift its head, but usually lays its head on the towel. Otherwise, its eyes are open, it responds to us, and it's fluffy and alert and the peeping has become stronger since last night. But now I'm afraid the chick is a cripple. Can anyone help with trying to diagnose and fix this problem?
Before and after of navel:

Different views of the chick's posture (Does something seem wrong with its left foot?):

It almost looks like splayed legs. Does she ever try to stand, and when she trys she sticks her wings forward and wattles back and forth kicking her legs?
Update: The chick is doing great! I put a thread hobble on him last night, but that only lasted a few hours, he really didn't like it. I re-did the bandaid and kept it on until today. I also did a lot of hands-on physical therapy with him- supporting him as he stood, helping him take three steps at a time, holding him upside down and gently pressing against the bottom of his feet so he would push back. His toes look great, his stance is great, and he runs around all over the place. He has two younger hatch-mates so far, which makes me really happy considering all that has happened.

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