Need plans for combined grit/oyster shell feeder


14 Years
Nov 9, 2008
Central Indiana
My Coop
My Coop
I need a grit and oyster shell feeder for my 8 chickens. I'm thinking one unit with seperate compartments. I want it to take up very little space, probably hugging the wall rather than hanging. May I see your photos or plans for either PVC-type or bin type feeders.
Why seperate? Don't you just mix it into their food?
I separate because they have it free choice...if they need it, they eat it, with no waste.
My girls do not free range and are mostly on layer pellets. If they free ranged more they would get enough grit on their own and I would just feed Oyster Shell free choice. My first eggs have had shells that were like Fort Knox...They eat tons of greens from the garden and have no issues......I figure I'm doing something right.

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