Need Professional chicken person advise on a few things .


11 Years
Oct 5, 2008
I need help to manange my flock.
I have several questions and get tired of searching for each question. anwsers are soo different.
Please help
1. My chickens have red streaks on feet and legs?
2. Stress , I introduced 28 newbaby's to coop. Is it possible to
can cause runny butts? The older ones only.
3. Vet says no worms, so can I give them DE
but do I also have to give probotics first or will the de be ok.
Plus How are you suppose to feed 25 big chickens 3-4 tbspoons of Hommade probiotic???
I think they have yucky guts right now,been free ranging alot and it's been super muddy and raining non stop.
4. Just cleaned out coop and Bleached all there roosts and windows and top of boxes where some sleep.
5. I am going to get rid of some of my new baby's, should I be concerned with them getting these problem.
Please help I know your suppose to post in all different sections but I have more than just a few
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i cant answer all your questions, maybe some others can help but you can give your chickens plain yogurt to help their guts, they love it.
I looked at that sight I think and I have looked at countless poo pic's. I just started the ACV and I can use the DE first before I start the whole Yougurt thing? Do you know what exact ingredients are in the OK food version of DE,I found some called Bug check for horese.and blu kote says for horese and dogs,but I can use it right? Thanks

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