Need support for the Hens4Mantua Project - Lets make a change in Mantua, NJ


7 Years
Mar 30, 2012
I have recently created The Hens4Mantua Project

The Hens4Mantua Project seeks to educate the community of the benefits of backyard hens in Mantua Township.

The ultimate objective of the Hens4Mantua Project is the modification of Mantua Township ordinances so residents can keep a limited number of backyard hens, while prohibiting roosters, and ensuring secure, proper, and humane enclosures for hens. Current zoning requirements preclude virtually all Mantua Township residents from keeping backyard hens. Current ordiances only allow for chickens on propteries of 5 acres or more.

I have created a website and online petition in hopes of rallying support for this change.

If you could please visit our site, sign the petition and pass it along to anyone that you know would support our cause, I would be grateful.

If you live in Mantua township, please get onboard so we can affect change. If you do not live in Mantua township, but would like to show your support it would be helpful if when you sign the petition you add a comment about why you support this. i.e. you have hens yourself and can speak to their being ideal pets, or you live in a town that permits them, and you can see no issue with them.

I can also be reached at [email protected]

I would also welcome any suggestions or feedback about the site as this is my first run at this.

Thank you.
Your website looks great!

I'm in Arlington VA, where we are also trying to get County ordinances changed to allow for backyard hens. You may have seen The Arlington Egg Project website- - like them, you've done a really good job of presenting information in a concise and positive way. Your design looks nice too!

I especially like the image of the really cute coop on your Proposal page. I think it's important to show what chicken coops can look like in a backyard setting. When the opposition to your proposal starts, most people will be complaining that there will be dirty, smelly coops- imagining dusty, ramshackle plywood sheds in their neighbor's yards.

Your site was a little slow to load for me in Safari- though I don't have enough technical knowledge to tell you why that might be, or what to do about it.

Good luck! Hope your efforts go rewarded more quickly in Mantua than they are here in Arlington. And let me know when Hens4Mantua needs t-shirts!
Still looking for support, please pass this along to anyone that you know in the Southern NJ area.
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I just wanted to share an update with the BYC folks on the progress of the Hens4Mantua Project.
Last week, we made the local weekly paper last week and early next week will be featured on the front page of the Gloucester County Times.

He have now also joined facebook, so you can stop by and like us for more updates.

We thank everyone for their support and we hope to be sharing stories of our success and our new flock in the future.

Like us on Facebook :
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