Need to complain to someone who will understand (New-PART III, Page 5)

You can guarantee she'll now be asking why her lovely pet dog killed her chickens

Why some people think predators and prey belong together is beyond me. You wouldn't put a cat in a mouse cage.
Okay, the lady was an ignorant idiot, but I would be very surprised is she does not feel horrible that her dog killed her chicks. Until such time as she again deliberately allows the dog unsupervised access to the birds, let's assume she has learned from her mistake. She THOUGHT she knew how her dog would react to the chicks. She was wrong.
Guaranteed I will not be brooding more for her. I don't think I will ever again brood for someone while they finish getting their coop/run put together. I love having the babies at my house, so I just know I will agree to brood again in the future, but will make sure the person's coop/run are DONE and will inspect them first. I know the lady is upset at what happened and she is now asking for more advice on getting her run secured, so I do have hope for the other babies. It is just hard on me because I spent the last 10 weeks getting to know those little fuzzy butts.
I completely understand. Sometimes people have to learn what should be common sense, the hard way. I know a person who is the same way and I have just decided no more chicken swapping at all because everything I have given has died and all I have gained is sick and undernourished and took months to recuperate. My condolences.
So sorry to hear about the death of the chickies that you brooded for her. When you mentioned shelties, all I could think was Uh-Oh this is not going to be a happy ending. I have two shelties and a cocker spaniel mutt that I would not trust with my chickens. In fact they killed one that got into their fenced in area. I couldn't blame the dogs, I think they may have been trying to play with it but I haven't let my chickens free range without me being home again. I think you did all you could do and it sounds like the other lady may have learned her lesson. I hope she takes your advice to get that run a lot more secure.
Best description of that lady yet. Next time, go with your gut feeling about whether someone actually understands what she is doing.

So sorry about your chicks.
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