Need to complain to someone who will understand (New-PART III, Page 5)

Luke 13:34, I am so sorry you had to go thru this. Your intentions were kind; your generous spirit reached out to help a friend. Your heartache is understandable. In fact, I'm mad/saddened right along with you!

But there will always be people who know how things should be done; even if they have never done them before. No one can tell them differently. The saddest part being; those baby chicks.

You are a kind friend, guard your heart.
I had a similar thing happen to me. I raised some chicks from day-olds to 8 weeks for a friend, who already had adult chickens but didn't want to deal with baby chicks. Great. He paid me well. No complaints there.
He was interested in the way I was free ranging mine inside my backyard - which is fully fenced, and dog-secure unless one is just SUPER determined. Plus my own dogs may not be "guarding" the flock per se, but they still deter most preds simply by their presence. He said that his horse fence was the same type of welded wire as half of my back yard fence is, so he though it would work.

Less than a week later he said the neighbor's dog had gotten in and killed all but ONE of the 18 teenage chicks!!!!!!! They even knew who's dog it was, but didn't demand payment for the chicks! WHY NOT???
On the plus side, he was smart enough to keep his own dogs kenneled away from them. Just wish that his neighbor had been more considerate with their dog!!
They did get more chicks, and raised them themselves the second time. The neighbor's dog came back of course, tested the fence security, but didn't get into the brooder. They told the neighbor that they would shoot the dog on sight, and I haven't heard of any more chicken deaths, so maybe somebody learned something along the way.
So sad.............

There needs to be a massive paradigm shift in the understanding amongst dog owners that their pets are predators and that it is their solemn responsibility to maintain control over them so they don't harm or kill anothers pets who may be prey. Far too many tragic attacks

I can relate to you and that lady! Unfortunately, I too made the mistake of "livestock" dogs around chickens. I just thought , "she's a livestock dog, it is in her nature to watch over them"...wrong! But like me, I bet she won't make the same mistake twice. I think you should reccommend some chicken reading for her.
Two more birds have been killed. She never strengthened her run, although she kept them inside the Eglu when at work. She would let the cat follow her down to "help" feed the chickies every morning. Yesterday she put the birds out into the open run and walked away again. Came back to find two of the four birds dead inside the Eglu run (the predator had gone into the Eglu) Back of the chickens were eaten with wings, feathers and heads left on. My guess is that it was the cat.

Anyone want to take bets on the last two birds surviving the frigid temps we are supposed to get this weekend? grrrr
I had a similar situation with a sailor I sold some chicks to (the chick in my avatar was one of them). I always ask my customers to send me pictures of the chicks as they grow, which he readily agreed to. When I hadn't heard from him, I emailed and asked for pictures. He reluctantly admitted via email that his boxer puppy ate them.
He then asked if I had any more chicks for sale.

I very politely replied that I wouldn't be selling to him anymore and quietly put the word out in our 4-H and Grange communities. Should any of them choose to do business with him, I hope they go check out his setup first and make sure its secure before doing so.

Nowadays, I only sell chicks to folks I know or have vouches for. Less heartache that way.
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We all have lessons to learn. I pity the woman more than I judge her, as I remember times I should have died of "terminal dumbness". We are all so lucky we DO NOT get what we deserve all the time.... And she may yet learn.

Forgive when you can, but don't brood any more babies for her.

I am very sorry for the pain you are feeling Luke.
Sorry all your diligent work was in vain and that the animals had to die because of just carelessness. What a shame. Connie
Tina/Luke, Her stupidity should not be allowed to cost innocent beings their lives, lives lost in utter terror. Get the remaining birds back - beg, plead, demand, pay - get them back. They don't deserve her. Please.
So sad. So sorry for you and the babies. Never again would I brood any babies for her.

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