Need urgent help with incubator temperature - Janoel 8-48-

Ok - I'll try working that out.
( and perhaps we will still be married when Christmas comes ;) )
Adjusted CA to -2 and on screen it's showing 34.3
Now I'm going to find out inside ( can't fit the thermometre through air vent so have to open it ).
Okay so it's gradually getting lower so that means you should be going the other way. I would go back to CA 0. Then slowly increase in the plus direction.
Inside temperature is 34.4 and id definately cooler than this afternoon :(
Following your instructions wing commander .:)
Have done the CA +1.7 .
On the screen it's saying 37.1 - but it's telling me porkie pies. Inside it's now 32.9 C :(

What do you think will happen to the eggs at this stage ?
Give it ten minutes to slabilize before checking again. Yay on the alarm though lol

Low temps are less dangerous to them than high, mum has to get off to eat and can leave eggs for quite some time (at least chickens do, assume ducks as well). It's if it goes too high is a bigger worry. At one point I had to take mine out and put back in an egg carton wrapped in a towel until the temp came back down. It's early days for your eggs, hopefully they just think it's the time mum is on and off while adding to her clutch.
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Now the outside temperature says 36.9.
But inside the oral thermometre says 34.6
Sooo I'm tempted to add another few ++ to the CA - say another +1 making it + 3.
Okay so it's gradually getting lower so that means you should be going the other way. I would go back to CA 0. Then slowly increase in the plus direction.

Not necessarily! The CA is for calibration, this is used to match the incubator's displayed temperature with the thermometer temperature.

Once those two match, then setting the SET temperature to 38C should work at bringing the temp up to 38C on the thermometer. If not, the incubator is malfunctioning.

Press the SET button, then + until the display reads 38.0. Then press SET again to save. This is your temperature setting.
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