Needs to go ASAP - Golden Laced Wyandotte Rooster


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 14, 2011
Athol, Idaho
I have to many roos and this boy is getting onery to the others. He is good with us and tolerates the dog, he just wants to be top Roo to the girls and is trying to force the issue. If you're interested please let me know ASAP and we can work the details out. I really don't want to have to put him down, his clock is ticking.
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This may sound totally dumb but how in the world would you ship a rooster? I don't think he'd fit in a flat rate box!
If someone would tell me then I'd consider it! Where are you located I'm in No. Idaho.
@needler, I live in Georgia. I know this can be done it is everyday but I'm not sure myself but I will find out first thing tommorrow. I will ask some friends and call USPS I'm almost 100% sure there the only ones that will do it. I can pay for shipping and the box. Thanks
Actually you're doing us a favor. We'll pay for the shipping. Just a heads up on his condition: he has some scabs on his comb which will heal. Also his right eye is injured. Sometimes it is open, most of the time it is closed. It seems to be getting better. It doesn't appear to be infected and it doesn't appear to slow him down, other than it makes it easier to pick him up! It is the injury that took him off of his throne as the dominate rooster here. If you still want him we'd like to ship him out on Monday so we don't risk him being stuck in a box over the weekend. You can private message me the address.

Thank you so much!
@needler, I live in Georgia. I know this can be done it is everyday but I'm not sure myself but I will find out first thing tommorrow. I will ask some friends and call USPS I'm almost 100% sure there the only ones that will do it. I can pay for shipping and the box. Thanks

Good luck chickenhawk1982. He's a nice looking boy. I've heard it's not hard to ship the big birds. I haven't done it, but I just bought a big silkie roo from someone that had him shipped in from WA.
@needeler, I sent you a private message. I also just spoke with USPS you have to ship threw your local post office and provide your own box. They also have to be shipped express mail only please rember that. I would also make plenty of holes in the box and give him some room to move around. If it's not to much trouble it would be nice to figure something out for water. And maybe just throw some food in with him not much tho food shouldnt be a problem. They said I would have him in 1-3 days. The idea I thought of for water is to put a hampster waterer in and attach to the side with zip ties just a thought. He will prob be ok either way just want o make sure. Please let me know something asap. THANKS
it would probably not be best to actually put water into the box, the water bottle could leak and you wouldnt want the box getting soggy and breaking. i did a quick search and found this idea

"Shipping boxes for chickens are unable to supply water due to spilling and leakage, though some shippers supply fruit such as apples or oranges. (I had a friend that shipped canaries around the world. He hot glued orange halves into clean tuna cans and hot glued the cans to the floor of the shipping box.)" from

potatoes also have a fair amount of moisture in them and might last a little longer than fruit. since his trip wont take too long either way would probably work.

Good Luck!

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