Neglected animals. I need advice!

Well done for helping those poor chicks, I agree you should report what happened to the authorities, the pet shop should back you up if you mention your friends previous history with animals. Sounds like you are better off without a 'friend' like that, he clearly has serious issues.
Not to be alarmist, but you might want to look up the criteria for a sociopath and take an honest inventory of your friend. Not just for the sake of the chicks, but for yourself. People like that in your life can be toxic, even dangerous.


I think it's safe to say that 99% of the people here really like (love) chickens. I do as well, but I'm not concerned about those chicks that the cat keeps dragging in nearly as much as I am about YOUR well being. From everything you have stated about this boy - I completely echo EggieRowe's statement. This person is extremely toxic (perfect word to use) and in my opinion you should turn round and not walk - but run - very quickly in the opposite direction (proverbially and literally speaking). He's trouble.
Talk to the RSPCA. They should be able to keep your name out of it while they investigate. Tell them what you know, and that you saw dead chicks going up to the house, show them any photos of this or other neglected animals, and tell them about the pet shop. Please be careful in any dealings with this person, there is evidence that animal cruelty can easily turn to humane abuse. Many serial killers started out by cruely killing animals.
I think you are definitely doing the right thing, rescuing those chicks. Does he still have the stuff you loaned him? Just a question to help us figure this out.
Set up an interview with the local pet store and take notes, and after that, go to his house with your phone camera turned on, and with the camera lens sticking up out of your pocket, and secretly take pictures of the chicks. BE SURE TO TURN OFF THE SOUND! And become your own detective, and please save them!

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I would definitely NOT do that. If he catches you trying to spy on him or get incriminating evidence he could very well turn on YOU and then your safety is at risk. Tell the authorities, document everything, and give them an opportunity to investigate.
Are they OK? Reading this was like a good book. A great person rescues wonderful chicks from the evil neglecter, the neglecter gets more chicks, but the end of the book must be finished and the negelecter must be banned from EVER having animals again. EVER. Please tell me hes banned from having animals or at least you managed to rescue these new chicks, and htat your OK too !!

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