Neighboors new flock ?


9 Years
Oct 1, 2011
My neighbor loves my chickens so much she got her own. I freerange mine she plans on doing the same. My chickens range covers her yard. She has a 4 foot fence but my chickens can fly over that. Should I have any concerns ? All of her chickens look healthy.
You may not want to let them do that because of biosecurity reasons. If her flock contracts an illness, your flock has a good chance of getting it also if they free range in her yard.
It could be a problem, like the others have said, with illnesses, but it can get annoying after a while - my neighbours got two new chickens who obviously didn't know the rules of the trade yet, and they would frequently fly over to our garden, get pecked on by our older girls, roost in our coop, lay in our coop, and eat our chickens' feed. It was cute at first when they were chicks, but increasingly they would stay over at our place (we have a bigger garden) and our neighbours would have to climb over the fence every night to fetch them home.
Well the bio-security bothers me. I quess the best and only thing I can do is keep my and her flock as heathly posible . Teach her all I know about chickens to keep ours well ? ? ?

What would be my first action if something does happen ? - I do not have acess to a vet.?
Antibiotics ? which ones ?

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