Neighbor filed a warrant against me after she saw me with a camera yesterday!

Hearing your ventures with the neighbors makes me want to hug mine !,
We share all the critters and don't ever complain.We share children,gardens,supplies and yes chickens!.
One neighbor is giving me my Dixie Chicks,advising and helping to build run and even found more chicks his semi feral flock has brooded out.
He is holding my Dixie Chicks until weather lets up and we can finish chicken run,keeping new chicks in his brooder.
I still egg hunt for him everyday.I have best neighbors ever!.
They even met my Pit Bull and recognize her for the good dog she is!.
Good Luck
Hearing your ventures with the neighbors makes me want to hug mine !,
We share all the critters and don't ever complain.We share children,gardens,supplies and yes chickens!.
One neighbor is giving me my Dixie Chicks,advising and helping to build run and even found more chicks his semi feral flock has brooded out.
He is holding my Dixie Chicks until weather lets up and we can finish chicken run,keeping new chicks in his brooder.
I still egg hunt for him everyday.I have best neighbors ever!.
They even met my Pit Bull and recognize her for the good dog she is!.
Good Luck
Across town where I used to live, my neighbors looked after one another and offered help without being asked. I thought since this property is zoned agricultural, I could have a nice garden, a few chickens and a roo.

Legally, it is fine, but this neighbor is obsessed. I have documented 5 crows since sun up today. They have resorted to the very loud Steve FM music again. It's fine in small doses and a little lower. Today, they changed the reception so the station is askew and now we have static and a high pitch sound along with the music and ads. It's giving me a headache. It seems to be bringing the aggression out in the chickens today also. They place this boom box near the property line and have it turned toward us. The speakers in the enclosed pool area are pointed toward me as well. At this point, since they lost their court case, I am sure if I got rid of my roo and all my chickens, they would still do this. The woman has started cursing again and keeps hollering through the privacy fence how I am an *******....******* f........ neighbor and shut the hell up to my chickens...laying hens and roo. I have never dealt with anyone that has anger issues like this. If it wasn't the rooster, it would be something else. I am sure they are both leading destructive and miserable lives together. I feel for them.

Their house is for sale by owner now....12979 Hardy Road, 24101, but it is unlikely to sell, because of price, etc. They mentioned they have wanted to sell every year....4 years...guess it's ready now. Anyone can feel the negativity coming from their posh abode and now with the profanity and amplified music, I think that will be a deterrent. We tried to help them when we moved in years ago. Giving them some wonderful books to read, etc. How they are conducting themselves just feels so unnecessary and unnatural. The neighbors I give eggs to would love to hear a rooster. The woman near me has lived here since 1957, and when her husband died, she scaled back a bit and does not have cows, pigs or chickens anymore, but still keeps a very large garden and mows lots of acreage.

Thanks for reading and any suggestions on how to get them to stop playing the music so loud?
Across town where I used to live, my neighbors looked after one another and offered help without being asked. I thought since this property is zoned agricultural, I could have a nice garden, a few chickens and a roo.

Legally, it is fine, but this neighbor is obsessed. I have documented 5 crows since sun up today. They have resorted to the very loud Steve FM music again. It's fine in small doses and a little lower. Today, they changed the reception so the station is askew and now we have static and a high pitch sound along with the music and ads. It's giving me a headache. It seems to be bringing the aggression out in the chickens today also. They place this boom box near the property line and have it turned toward us. The speakers in the enclosed pool area are pointed toward me as well. At this point, since they lost their court case, I am sure if I got rid of my roo and all my chickens, they would still do this. The woman has started cursing again and keeps hollering through the privacy fence how I am an *******....******* f........ neighbor and shut the hell up to my chickens...laying hens and roo. I have never dealt with anyone that has anger issues like this. If it wasn't the rooster, it would be something else. I am sure they are both leading destructive and miserable lives together. I feel for them.

Their house is for sale by owner now....12979 Hardy Road, 24101, but it is unlikely to sell, because of price, etc. They mentioned they have wanted to sell every year....4 years...guess it's ready now. Anyone can feel the negativity coming from their posh abode and now with the profanity and amplified music, I think that will be a deterrent. We tried to help them when we moved in years ago. Giving them some wonderful books to read, etc. How they are conducting themselves just feels so unnecessary and unnatural. The neighbors I give eggs to would love to hear a rooster. The woman near me has lived here since 1957, and when her husband died, she scaled back a bit and does not have cows, pigs or chickens anymore, but still keeps a very large garden and mows lots of acreage.

Thanks for reading and any suggestions on how to get them to stop playing the music so loud?
Definitely call the police ASAP...not only will it be documented by authorities, but they will be forced to stop as well. Anyway you can request more police drive-by monitoring? Not sure where you are, but here in California we can request increased patrol for justified reason...this would be one for sure!!!! So sad that you have such awful is too short for such B.S.
Across town where I used to live, my neighbors looked after one another and offered help without being asked. I thought since this property is zoned agricultural, I could have a nice garden, a few chickens and a roo.

Legally, it is fine, but this neighbor is obsessed. I have documented 5 crows since sun up today. They have resorted to the very loud Steve FM music again. It's fine in small doses and a little lower. Today, they changed the reception so the station is askew and now we have static and a high pitch sound along with the music and ads. It's giving me a headache. It seems to be bringing the aggression out in the chickens today also. They place this boom box near the property line and have it turned toward us. The speakers in the enclosed pool area are pointed toward me as well. At this point, since they lost their court case, I am sure if I got rid of my roo and all my chickens, they would still do this. The woman has started cursing again and keeps hollering through the privacy fence how I am an *******....******* f........ neighbor and shut the hell up to my chickens...laying hens and roo. I have never dealt with anyone that has anger issues like this. If it wasn't the rooster, it would be something else. I am sure they are both leading destructive and miserable lives together. I feel for them.

Their house is for sale by owner now....12979 Hardy Road, 24101, but it is unlikely to sell, because of price, etc. They mentioned they have wanted to sell every year....4 years...guess it's ready now. Anyone can feel the negativity coming from their posh abode and now with the profanity and amplified music, I think that will be a deterrent. We tried to help them when we moved in years ago. Giving them some wonderful books to read, etc. How they are conducting themselves just feels so unnecessary and unnatural. The neighbors I give eggs to would love to hear a rooster. The woman near me has lived here since 1957, and when her husband died, she scaled back a bit and does not have cows, pigs or chickens anymore, but still keeps a very large garden and mows lots of acreage.

Thanks for reading and any suggestions on how to get them to stop playing the music so loud?
Also, any other neighbors witnessing this???? I would band together if they are willing...strength in numbers!
Also, any other neighbors witnessing this???? I would band together if they are willing...strength in numbers!
I did go ahead and call the non urgent department of the police and an officer was sent over. He has chickens so I showed him my chickens and while he was rooster crowed once. I did decide to send him over next door because my head was bursting and I still needed to clean up the coop a bit. After about an hour, he returned and said that he thought he could mediate if we liked, so he went back over and they wanted no part of it, but then at the last minute the irate husband decided to come over. All he could say was the rooster crows all the time and he only crowed once while he was in front of him. I moved the rooster to the far back of my property in March, but they insist he is even closer. The officer thinks, to be neighborly, I should move him, yet again, into an area that would entail clearing woods and creating something on very steep terrain. I am exhausted by working on my existing coop and the one I created to house this rooster down the hill. I flat out said I could not do that right now. Chickens might not care about standing on their head, but I am with them a lot and it is hard for me to work on such an incline. I am in the wrong because I am taking a stand. I called the officer to come help get the music turned down. The officer said that the wife did admit that she was the one playing the music just to irritate us. That was accomplished, so I am thankful. The only solution would be to get rid of him altogether which I am not doing until I get some nice hens from him. I am working on that now. I truly believe that this neighbor is obsessed not just with the rooster, but with us. The officer does not understand what I have had to put up with over the years with them. There is no compromising with them because they are so unreasonable.

My other neighbor down the hill did come over and record their music. I told him not to photograph their property where you could clearly see the nice boombox near the property line...don't think you can do that.

My rooster is becoming "music" to my ears, but I wish at this point, I could do something to bring peace without giving up my roo.
I told him not to photograph their property where you could clearly see the nice boombox near the property line...don't think you can do that.

In general you can photograph anything in plain view and visible to the public, this is protected by the 1st amendment and has been upheld by the courts more times than anyone cares to count...

So if you can clearly see the boom box from your yard you are more than welcome to photograph it...

The only time photographing things that are in plain view gets questionable is if you are photographing an area where there is a presumption of privacy, or if you are using 'extraordinary means' to obtain the photo...

For example aiming your camera at their bathroom window and photographing with a night vision telephoto lens is likely illegal as as there is a presumption of privacy in the persons bathroom and you are using extraordinary means to take the photo... On the other hand if they have their bathroom window wide open and you happen to snap a photo of them in the bathroom from your deck with your cell phone it's likely legal... This is why paparazzis can for all intent take pictures anywhere they want of whomever they want even if they are in the persons face doing it... It's also the reason a news reporter can put a camera up on the sidewalk outside a suspects home and film away or even walk up to the door with the camera in hand filming...

Yes, many ignorant people will claim they have privacy rights, but the reality is they do not have those rights for things that are in plain view, and that even includes overhead photography from planes or what not...

And as others have said, call the police and don't stop at one call, call them EVERY time your neighbor is out of line even if it's everyday or every hour... The bigger the paper trail you create the more proof you have in court if it comes to that...
And as others have said, call the police and don't stop at one call, call them EVERY time your neighbor is out of line even if it's everyday or every hour... The bigger the paper trail you create the more proof you have in court if it comes to that...

X2...the issue here is not jjust your rooster...It is RUDE neighbors that can not handle a situation maturely and are trying to bully you into doing what they want and that is not right!!!! I wonder if you give in on the rooster...what will the next thing be they do not like..hens that "sing" when they lay or cluck when they are excited??? Ridiculous and not right!!!!
In general you can photograph anything in plain view and visible to the public, this is protected by the 1st amendment and has been upheld by the courts more times than anyone cares to count...

So if you can clearly see the boom box from your yard you are more than welcome to photograph it...

The only time photographing things that are in plain view gets questionable is if you are photographing an area where there is a presumption of privacy, or if you are using 'extraordinary means' to obtain the photo...

For example aiming your camera at their bathroom window and photographing with a night vision telephoto lens is likely illegal as as there is a presumption of privacy in the persons bathroom and you are using extraordinary means to take the photo... On the other hand if they have their bathroom window wide open and you happen to snap a photo of them in the bathroom from your deck with your cell phone it's likely legal... This is why paparazzis can for all intent take pictures anywhere they want of whomever they want even if they are in the persons face doing it... It's also the reason a news reporter can put a camera up on the sidewalk outside a suspects home and film away or even walk up to the door with the camera in hand filming...

Yes, many ignorant people will claim they have privacy rights, but the reality is they do not have those rights for things that are in plain view, and that even includes overhead photography from planes or what not...

And as others have said, call the police and don't stop at one call, call them EVERY time your neighbor is out of line even if it's everyday or every hour... The bigger the paper trail you create the more proof you have in court if it comes to that...

And as others have said, call the police and don't stop at one call, call them EVERY time your neighbor is out of line even if it's everyday or every hour... The bigger the paper trail you create the more proof you have in court if it comes to that...

X2...the issue here is not jjust your rooster...It is RUDE neighbors that can not handle a situation maturely and are trying to bully you into doing what they want and that is not right!!!! I wonder if you give in on the rooster...what will the next thing be they do not like..hens that "sing" when they lay or cluck when they are excited??? Ridiculous and not right!!!!

Great advice!!! I wish I had done this when they first started throwing golf ball and baseball size rocks at my pen earlier. I might also should have done something about the profanity...might yet, since it is ongoing. The foghorn was much louder than any rooster I have ever heard and very unnerving at 5:30 in the morning! About 20 minutes after the officer left, I heard the husband screaming at the top of his lungs, "son of a b....". I hope he smashed his finger with a hammer or something. I also heard a gunshot. Target practicing?

I am afraid this will continue for a while. Legally, they will try again, but I should be protected if the judge abides by the ordinance, etc. We'll see. Right now, I need to rest so I can make my daughter a crib skirt, etc. for her baby due August 7th. My first grandbaby!

Great advice!!! I wish I had done this when they first started throwing golf ball and baseball size rocks at my pen earlier. I might also should have done something about the profanity...might yet, since it is ongoing. The foghorn was much louder than any rooster I have ever heard and very unnerving at 5:30 in the morning! About 20 minutes after the officer left, I heard the husband screaming at the top of his lungs, "son of a b....". I hope he smashed his finger with a hammer or something. I also heard a gunshot. Target practicing?

I am afraid this will continue for a while. Legally, they will try again, but I should be protected if the judge abides by the ordinance, etc. We'll see. Right now, I need to rest so I can make my daughter a crib skirt, etc. for her baby due August 7th. My first grandbaby!
Congrats on the upcoming grandbaby...something positive to focus on..may you have peace soon

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