Neighbor filed a warrant against me after she saw me with a camera yesterday!

I posted a long time ago, giving the neighbors the benefit of the doubt. I'm sorry to hear this is still going on and that these people are obviously a special kind of insane. They sound like immature bullies. I don't suggest stooping to their level, but there are multiple things you can do to send them the message that their behavior won't be tolerated.

-- Move the chicken coop a few feet back from the property line if you are able to (to get away from the mothballs and also to force your neighbors to step over the property line if they want to mess with your chickens)
-- Tack up numerous NO TRESPASSING signs
-- Pick up a game cam or 2 to cover your coop and property line
-- buy locks for your coop if you don't have them already
-- Have a free consultation with a lawyer so you know your options (a simple 'cease and desist' letter for harassment sent from a legal office might scare the pants off them)
-- Call the police each and every time they violate the noise ordinance - find out how much money your neighbors should be getting fined for violating the noise ordinance and request that the cops actually enforce it next time.
-- Call home/property security businesses in your area and have them come out for a free consultation with you while your neighbors are home
-- If the cops refuse to enforce a law, and you are 100% sure there is nothing tying their hands from enforcing it, write your local paper
-- Go buy a gun and clean it in your front yard (ok maybe not this one)
not number 9, but everything else sounds solid. the letter from a lawyer just might help a lot. a cam with saved footage should be a big help with the police and lawyer-- locks on coop, everyone should do, if you do call a sercuity co. it won't do any good if the coop not alarmed. I love your coop-- but I would do everything I could to re locate it. and plant fast growing shrubs with thorns in it's place.
A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the PD for the officer's notes and field contact reports might be useful.
They've removed some of the boards on the fence to keep an eye on me whenever I am out there.
Now that would unnerve me. I don't like being watched.
Can you make the fence solely yours and prevent them from spying on you?

Did you get your equipment back? (I haven't read all the posts)

I am sorry you are going through this...deep breath, focus on what's important...don't come down to their level.
They've removed some of the boards on the fence to keep an eye on me whenever I am out there.

Perfect opportunity to print out or purchase some "Smile you are on camera" signs and put them on wood stakes where every fence section is removed, that way they have something to look at when they peek through...

That or call the building and zoning department and report them for having a fence in ill repair... Too lazy right now to see if it's a violation in your area, but I know it is in mine if you fail to maintain a fence in good repair between two properties...
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Hook up a motion sensor trigger to a water hose and when they move in to peek threw they get drenched.
What county are you in? Bing maps said your 'neighbor' is in Bedford county are you?

If so it sounds like they are clearly violating the Bedford County noise ordinance, IMO it's a black and white violation as clear as day...

So if you are in Bedford County print out that ordinance and call the po-po every time they turn on that radio, and again if the responding officer doesn't take your complaint serious go to the Chief of Police and have a chat, if he doesn't take is serious hire a lawyer ( <~ Advisable) and file a formal complaint with the States Attorney's office against your local police department...
Can you videotape your yard while the loud music and/or siren is blaring?
Perhaps tape your chickens having a heart attack (that was a joke) but you get my drift.
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God I'm sorry you have to deal with this.... We killed our roosters the first day they crowed because we have a similar neighbor. He called the animal shleter when one of our chickns got through the fence into hiss yard. The animal control woman was nice, said the neighbor was a known ******* who had the cops called on him all the time for loud music and motorcycles in the middle of the night. (we just moved here to the "country) recently) What an ****** hypocrite, just like your lovely neighbor!

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