Neighbor got roosters..mine went nuts


May 4, 2020
I ended up with 3 roosters. All was well until the neighbor brought in 5-6 roosters. Ugh.
My dominant rooster, the one who protects the other two, got super worried. He had a crowing match with the roosters across the road. He also kept trying to sneak over across the road to them.

the neighbor keeps his tied or penned in so they can’t even get to mine. I’m not sure why mine tried so hard to go over there. They weren’t doing anything but crowing. And mine don’t even have spurs yet..he wouldn’t be able to defend himself

Poor little guy crowed and crowed all evening. He was still in the run at dark alone keeping watch while the others had already tucked in for the night.
The other two don’t care and the neighbors roosters didn’t seem to bother them at all.

I ended up having to put them up earlier than usual. Usually they free range all day. Now I won’t be able to let them do that because I’m afraid he’ll sneak over there and fight.

is there any way to discourage him? I ran him back a couple times and tried to soothe him with snacks and a calm voice.
They were raised together and get along great so far with each other.
Depending on the ratio between how many roosters you have to chickens, that might not matter :( I believe the common ratio is 1:10
I had a few roos and they were hatched together and acted fine, but when those hormones come in it was difficult to separate them...
Did the neighbor already have chickens?
Why would they bring in that many males?
Do you know these neighbors at all?
They aren’t the best people and it’s their 12 year old grandson. For some reason he likes roosters. He used to have some over there when mine were babies then he left and just came back.
Depending on the ratio between how many roosters you have to chickens, that might not matter :( I believe the common ratio is 1:10
I had a few roos and they were hatched together and acted fine, but when those hormones come in it was difficult to separate them...
I don’t have any hens. Just the 3 roosters. I was hoping for hens but they turned out to be roosters lol
Update: my little guy was fine today.. he didn’t crow all day or try to go over there. Maybe yesterday everything was new to him and he figured out he’s safe?? Lol


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