Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

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A 6-ft fence would still help you though, right? That is fairly tall and would still really increase privacy.
Be aware that at least in my area, temporary livestock fencing does not need a permit, but placement is slightly dictated by zoning and since your have disclosed you have a zoning conflict I figured it was worth bringing up...

This applies to my area, and I just want to suggest you double check your local laws....

In my area if you are zoned agricultural 'pasture fencing' with no permit can extend to the property line only if it's being used strictly for 'grazing' purposes... If it's being used for containment or corralling there is still a property line setback that has to be honored unless a permit is pulled... I know silly semantics but that is the way the law is written in my area...
How much 'property line setback' do you have to have? Surely you can put a fence at the edge of your property?
How much 'property line setback' do you have to have? Surely you can put a fence at the edge of your property?

If you are zone agricultural, you can install field/pasture fencing for 'grazing' up to the properly line with no permit... And again if you are zoned agricultural, you can install field/pasture fencing for 'corralling' and 'containment' with no permit but I believe they consider the corralling/containment fencing an extension of a farming structure and thus require the same footage setbacks as other structures (not sure of the setback as I never had to actually deal with it but it's noted in the code as requiring a setback)... But, if you pull a fencing permit you can extend containment/corral fencing to the property line... Don't asked me to define the difference between grazing fence and corralling/containment fence as I really don't know where the line is drawn, it's just how the law is written... As for normal non field/pasture fences it must be 100% on your property with the 'good' or 'decorative' side facing outwards, so most fence installers in the area will by default put the fence about 3-6" into the property so that any cement footings won't extend over the property line and cause an issue... But, I do know that if you are on good terms with your neighbors they will drop it right down the line...

Residential zoning is slightly different, don't know those codes too well as it doesn't apply to me, and everywhere I have lived zoned residential I had to deal with local municipal rules that can vary drastically from town to town and sometimes be utterly stupid...
Is it to much trouble to put a pillow over her face while she sleeps?

I'm kidding but seriously that lady is pure evil...

Or you can do as I always advocate, and that is make them think you are crazier than they are and put the seed of fear in them...

For example, you get this suit and this hat

Or if you want to go all out, get this...

Next hit up your local Walmart, Costco, or Sam's Club and get a bunch of disposable white plastic silverware...

Then you wait for your opportunity, lets say when the neighbor has guest...

Dress up in your suit (and if possible have someone in the house filming) go outside with all your plastic utensils in a bucket and dart back and forth across your yard poking the utensils into the ground in seemingly random patterns while constantly glancing over at your neighbors out of the corner of your eye (make it obvious that you are looking but make it appear you are not by turning away quickly when they notice you)... After above 5 minutes go and pickup all the utensils you poked in the ground and return to the house... Change back to normal clothing and go about your daily business and act as if nothing happened, and if confronted by them act as if you are clueless to what they are talking about but worried about them... Repeat as necessary...
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Or you can do as I always advocate, and that is make them think you are crazier than they are and put the seed of fear in them...

For example, you get this suit and this hat

Or if you want to go all out, get this...

Next hit up your local Walmart, Costco, or Sam's Club and get a bunch of disposable white plastic silverware...

Then you wait for your opportunity, lets say when the neighbor has guest...

Dress up in your suit (and if possible have someone in the house filming) go outside with all your plastic utensils in a bucket and dart back and forth across your yard poking the utensils into the ground in seemingly random patterns while constantly glancing over at your neighbors out of the corner of your eye (make it obvious that you are looking but make it appear you are not by turning away quickly when they notice you)... After above 5 minutes go and pickup all the utensils you poked in the ground and return to the house... Change back to normal clothing and go about your daily business and act as if nothing happened, and if confronted by them act as if you are clueless to what they are talking about but worried about them... Repeat as necessary...
This made me laugh so hard I nearly puked... I AM SO DOING IT I have a neighbour that has a dog that barks 24/7... beware of the chicken ninja BWAHAHAHAHA
Or you can do as I always advocate, and that is make them think you are crazier than they are and put the seed of fear in them...

For example, you get this suit and this hat

Or if you want to go all out, get this...

Next hit up your local Walmart, Costco, or Sam's Club and get a bunch of disposable white plastic silverware...

Then you wait for your opportunity, lets say when the neighbor has guest...

Dress up in your suit (and if possible have someone in the house filming) go outside with all your plastic utensils in a bucket and dart back and forth across your yard poking the utensils into the ground in seemingly random patterns while constantly glancing over at your neighbors out of the corner of your eye (make it obvious that you are looking but make it appear you are not by turning away quickly when they notice you)... After above 5 minutes go and pickup all the utensils you poked in the ground and return to the house... Change back to normal clothing and go about your daily business and act as if nothing happened, and if confronted by them act as if you are clueless to what they are talking about but worried about them... Repeat as necessary...
You forgot one thing. You have to do the funky chicken egg dance before collecting the plastic utensils maybe with some hearty crowing mixed in with egg song. Gotta have a crazy dance to ensure the craziness is firmly established.

Trust me, "crazy" works and if anyone gets the mere thought that you're more nutso than they are, you win. I just had a conflict with a mean taxi driver last week and when his size and big muscles proved inadequate to intimidate me (I got fully into his grill, growling) he backed off and left.

To the OP
I sat up until 1 AM last night (this morning?) reading this entire thread. I have BTDT with a bully at my job (I retired since then) and definitely know how you feel. I was disgusted to read the Town Counsil's decision. You have recourse yet and the fight is far from over.

Record Spock, paint the cocka-doodle-do on the barn, put up the fence and keep the young roosters flowing through the farm.

Another thought, maybe consider building aq new coop on the AG zoned land and raise lots of roosters, then use the stone coop for a milk parlor for the goats? Would be kind of fitting since it was the parlor originally.
If you have a space for them you could raise roasters. You could get strait run or even all male birds. Wouldn’t that just drive her nuts?
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