Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

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YEAH! What they said.
Just because it was well written by an apparently intelligent person with a good vacabulary who can form proper sentences & paragraphs free from misspellings, and knows how to post pictures does not mean it's fake.

If a post said:
help my chickens r sik dey dont eat wat do u do dey r swet chickens i hatch dem from egs last year
There would be no doubt in our minds that it was legit.

Grammar isn't the reason why anyone has voiced skepticism though.
No psychoanalyzing going on on my end. Perhaps I brought some past experiences into this. I've known people who faked their lives for years online. Even while posting photos, videos, and audio recordings the entire time. So I've seen how easy it is if a person is determined enough. I'm not referring to teenagers either but people who were I their mid-late 20s/early 30s at the time.
Not saying the OP is lying or that the story isn't plausible. In general I tend to take things with a grain of salt. Especially online.
I am a long time reader of this thread, in fact I've been reading it almost since it first began.
Is it really so hard to believe that some people are stubborn and won't let go of things? No it isn't.
Perhaps you haven't been in a situation with a person such as "crazy lady" before. But there is no proof that they don't exist.
As recently it has been proven to me that some people will not let go, and prefer to carry it on and start more and more trouble. Just like this case. Where we have a stubborn ignorant woman, who thinks everyone should do what she wants.
That being said, I believe this story.
I believe the OP. If it looks like a chicken, walks like a chicken and cackles like a chicken, then it probably is a chicken. In other words, the truth is often stranger than fiction.
I sat for a while and tried to come up with my best response to "is this story of me real." I started this thread over a year ago because I was scared. I wanted to know to if anyone had experience with the extent that people would go because they were annoyed by someone's chickens. I have so missed writing since my mother died. Writing this has been a healing experience for me. So many of the people who have written back have made me smile or validated my fears. I lost both my parents in the same year to cancer. That pain is indescribable. They were a big part of my life. Crazy Lady was a HUGE distraction from my grief. Cancer leaves you is horrible. But with the encouragement of so many people here I did keep Spock and I kept Warren too! AND I got my goats!!! I gained back a little bit of the control over my life that cancer had taken from me.

Regarding Warren Harding...he is another oops from Meyer Hatchery. I had found him a home but my DH encouraged me to keep I did! He is not on purpose!!

Yes, it is crazy...but it is all true. :) Here's a little full farm pix! My new fence and barn in the distance. Believe it or not...the choice is yours!!! But realize that sometimes there is nothing more unbelievable than real life!
I sat for a while and tried to come up with my best response to "is this story of me real." I started this thread over a year ago because I was scared. I wanted to know to if anyone had experience with the extent that people would go because they were annoyed by someone's chickens. I have so missed writing since my mother died. Writing this has been a healing experience for me. So many of the people who have written back have made me smile or validated my fears. I lost both my parents in the same year to cancer. That pain is indescribable. They were a big part of my life. Crazy Lady was a HUGE distraction from my grief. Cancer leaves you is horrible. But with the encouragement of so many people here I did keep Spock and I kept Warren too! AND I got my goats!!! I gained back a little bit of the control over my life that cancer had taken from me.

Regarding Warren Harding...he is another oops from Meyer Hatchery. I had found him a home but my DH encouraged me to keep I did! He is not on purpose!!

Yes, it is crazy...but it is all true. :) Here's a little full farm pix! My new fence and barn in the distance. Believe it or not...the choice is yours!!! But realize that sometimes there is nothing more unbelievable than real life!

Please don't let the few nay-sayers take you away from the people who love your writing and have compassion for you and your husband.
We care about you and will be here with you long after the trouble-makers go off to irritate other posters. Every forum has them and it bugs me that they are taken seriously enough to hurt the good people. Stay here with us!

I too have had nasty neighbors.
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Thank you so much for all the kind words! And LOL!!!! TheSitcomGirls! Until this very moment I never realized that in fact a good part of my life of late is like a sitcom at times. But that is not where the name really came from! I have always given names to all my animals no matter what. I still remember the tent caterpillar I had when I was ten. His name was Fred and he did quite well is his fishbowl with the choke cherry tree leaves I fed him. That was until the day I added a beautiful beetle to the bowl that I named Crunch. Crunch ate poor Fred. Crunch was gorgeous, shiny and green-the most beautiful beetle I had ever seen. I proudly showed him to my aunt the entomologist. She told me Crunch was a "dung beetle". I was still proud of my beetle after that although not entirely comfortable with his lifestyle.

When I decided to get chickens I wanted them all to have names. But because hens of the same breed often look exactly alike I decided to name all my hens after female sitcom stars. I could associate different shows with different breeds so I wouldn't forget! Then it wouldn't matter quite so much if I mixed up the names within the breeds. The names would be interchangeable! My first four chickens were Lavern, Shirley, Lucy and Ethel. Lavern and Shirley, who are my avatar barred rocks, are still with me and I still can't tell them apart! But at least I have a 50/50 chance of calling them by the right name! Sadly Lucy and Ethel have both passed away. They were RIRs and very friendly, gentle birds. I miss them. I joined Backyard Chickens so I could learn to take of my babies and TheSitcomGirls seemed to fit!

I have 30 chickens now: Blanche Devereux, Dorothy, Rose, Sophie, Maude, Florence, Olivia, Wilma, Betty, Edith, Gloria, Mama, Eunice, Ginger, Mary Anne, Diane, Carla, Janet and Christy.

Then of course there is Spock, Counselor Troi, Warren and Mrs. Harding. Then I have Blackie, Bonus, Lucky, Alice and Peg who didn't end up with sitcom names.

Now who am missing? This is embarrassing! Rather than just make up any old two names I'll have to take a look in the coop and get back to you!
I've seen some crazy stories over the years. The Chicken Chick has been going through something similar, and as a popular blogger I am sure her story checks out.

The craziest/most unbelievable thread I read was on a home building bb. A mistake by a realtor snowballed and was not caught until after the home builder finished building their house on the wrong lot. The actual owners of the lot were unwilling to work a deal (or were unhappy with what was offered). I'm not sure how the situation resolved, but I do remember seeing a news organization covering the story.

Bottom line, the OP has provided pics. Neighbors and code offices are notoriously difficult. I choose to believe the story.

I suggest people give the benefit of the doubt and continue following, or should move on. I see no point in dragging the OP through the mud based on speculation. If someone does some research and finds something out of whack, take it up with the moderators.

Very well said.

After all, what does one have to lose, by giving the benefit of the doubt?

Also, if one were to not be on the internet, but in the same room with the OP, would one say out loud, "I think you're full of horse pocky."?
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