Neighbor mad about rooster...suggestions?

Hi all

I am at a bit of a loss on what to do at this point. Our latest neighbors moved in about 4 years ago and they are NOT friendly šŸ¤¦
Our community is zoned agricultural and we can do whatever we want out here. Some neighbors have anything from diesel mechanic factories on their property to owning actual lions and kangaroos etc. Property varies but lots are at least an acre and a quarter(what we have) up to 100s of acres. The name farms is even in the community name.

Most recent neighbors have never been friendly. We try to be considerate neighbors. Heard the man cursing out our dog because he was barking (during the day outside)so I bought him a shock collar for barking and call him in if he barks or if I ever see them outside.

Fast forward to the pandemic. I finally convinced my husband to let me and the kids live our dream and get chickens. We put the coop up way back on our property (our lot is long and narrow) the furthest point from any neighbors as our back yard neighbors have the most property. We of course hatched some roosters and we rehomed all of them...5 to be exact. I let the kids hatch a few more eggs to help with the grief of rehoming all these babies and of course we got two more roos. These roos were so awesome though and we loved them.

My side neighbor of course started to know the neighborly way. Mumbling curse words at me when I would come in my gate. (this guy has never been friendly once) and then having his wife text me. So we rehomed the dominate rooster that did crow fairly loud. However, that left us with the one we really want to keep. He is so small and gorgeous. A frizzle blue bantam polish. His crow is so weak the girls won't even play with him šŸ˜‚. He only crows during the day.

I came home to a letter in my mailbox today that says YOUR ROOSTER CROWS FROM 6AM TO6PM EVERY DAY. THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS. Then it was signed by him.

I don't want anyone to be miserable in their own house and I believe he works second shift and sleeps during the day. That being said we will most likely never again find a rooster that is so quiet (he does not crow non stop and I can't even hear him in my house which is frame while theirs is CBS). I also think that if we get rid of the rooster it is not going to change our relationship with them at all and he will just find something else to complain about. If their any neighborly dialogue I might think differently.

Again we try to be good neighbors. We cut down a big oak tree near their property line so they could grow a tree they planted as we saw the shade from our oak would kill it. We keep our yard tended always and I do the best I can with the noise. The chickens are in Omlet coops with autodoors so they are locked up sunset to a few hours past sunrise now that it is cooler. Work days they are in the run and on weekends we let them out to free range.

I am just wondering what you would do. Should I rehome him? So far I have just ignored the letter. Feeling really sad today.
I would not get rid of my rooster! Not a chance. But watch out, he sounds crazy enough he may kill it!
Hi all

I am at a bit of a loss on what to do at this point. Our latest neighbors moved in about 4 years ago and they are NOT friendly šŸ¤¦
Our community is zoned agricultural and we can do whatever we want out here. Some neighbors have anything from diesel mechanic factories on their property to owning actual lions and kangaroos etc. Property varies but lots are at least an acre and a quarter(what we have) up to 100s of acres. The name farms is even in the community name.

Most recent neighbors have never been friendly. We try to be considerate neighbors. Heard the man cursing out our dog because he was barking (during the day outside)so I bought him a shock collar for barking and call him in if he barks or if I ever see them outside.

Fast forward to the pandemic. I finally convinced my husband to let me and the kids live our dream and get chickens. We put the coop up way back on our property (our lot is long and narrow) the furthest point from any neighbors as our back yard neighbors have the most property. We of course hatched some roosters and we rehomed all of them...5 to be exact. I let the kids hatch a few more eggs to help with the grief of rehoming all these babies and of course we got two more roos. These roos were so awesome though and we loved them.

My side neighbor of course started to know the neighborly way. Mumbling curse words at me when I would come in my gate. (this guy has never been friendly once) and then having his wife text me. So we rehomed the dominate rooster that did crow fairly loud. However, that left us with the one we really want to keep. He is so small and gorgeous. A frizzle blue bantam polish. His crow is so weak the girls won't even play with him šŸ˜‚. He only crows during the day.

I came home to a letter in my mailbox today that says YOUR ROOSTER CROWS FROM 6AM TO6PM EVERY DAY. THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS. Then it was signed by him.

I don't want anyone to be miserable in their own house and I believe he works second shift and sleeps during the day. That being said we will most likely never again find a rooster that is so quiet (he does not crow non stop and I can't even hear him in my house which is frame while theirs is CBS). I also think that if we get rid of the rooster it is not going to change our relationship with them at all and he will just find something else to complain about. If their any neighborly dialogue I might think differently.

Again we try to be good neighbors. We cut down a big oak tree near their property line so they could grow a tree they planted as we saw the shade from our oak would kill it. We keep our yard tended always and I do the best I can with the noise. The chickens are in Omlet coops with autodoors so they are locked up sunset to a few hours past sunrise now that it is cooler. Work days they are in the run and on weekends we let them out to free range.

I am just wondering what you would do. Should I rehome him? So far I have just ignored the letter. Feeling really sad today.
You have every right to own your rooster, do not ever let your neighbor tell you that you cannot.
Merry Christmas eve! Thank you all for your kind comments. No change either way with the neighbor. He has not left any more notes and I honestly have not seen him at all the past month. We did have a nerve-wracking hour when one of our young hens found a space under the fence and went into their yard (they were not home). Fortunately lots of calling and some fruit and she came back under! We have made sure that there is no way that we can find for them to go under that fence.

We have tried to look into where we could move the coop but honestly it is about in the best spot possible. We have no set back laws and I do not think moving them 50 more feet to the other side of the back yard where we have room is really going to make a we would have to run water.

I know there is a conversation coming at some point when we are both outside...and I am ready for it. I just pray it is civil. We want to be good neighbors but we are not going to be bullied. If he can be rational we will work harder on a solution. It really freaked me out when the hen went in his yard and I would consider rehoming the rooster if I could guarantee the safety of my flock if for some reason something like that repeats. I was terrified he would show up before we could coax her back!

If not suggested earlier., maybe screening in the coop with native fruit bearing shrubs/bushes could reduce sound, and you and the chickens can eat what ever it is.
There is supposed to be a sort of collar to prevent roosters from crowing very loudly. Has anybody had any experience with these? Are they humane? do they work??
They are not humane. They prevent the rooster from expanding his throat enough to crow loudly. But, it also puts him at risk of suffocating or choking on food. Many roosters have died from those collars.
Hi all

I am at a bit of a loss on what to do at this point. Our latest neighbors moved in about 4 years ago and they are NOT friendly šŸ¤¦
Our community is zoned agricultural and we can do whatever we want out here. Some neighbors have anything from diesel mechanic factories on their property to owning actual lions and kangaroos etc. Property varies but lots are at least an acre and a quarter(what we have) up to 100s of acres. The name farms is even in the community name.

Most recent neighbors have never been friendly. We try to be considerate neighbors. Heard the man cursing out our dog because he was barking (during the day outside)so I bought him a shock collar for barking and call him in if he barks or if I ever see them outside.

Fast forward to the pandemic. I finally convinced my husband to let me and the kids live our dream and get chickens. We put the coop up way back on our property (our lot is long and narrow) the furthest point from any neighbors as our back yard neighbors have the most property. We of course hatched some roosters and we rehomed all of them...5 to be exact. I let the kids hatch a few more eggs to help with the grief of rehoming all these babies and of course we got two more roos. These roos were so awesome though and we loved them.

My side neighbor of course started to know the neighborly way. Mumbling curse words at me when I would come in my gate. (this guy has never been friendly once) and then having his wife text me. So we rehomed the dominate rooster that did crow fairly loud. However, that left us with the one we really want to keep. He is so small and gorgeous. A frizzle blue bantam polish. His crow is so weak the girls won't even play with him šŸ˜‚. He only crows during the day.

I came home to a letter in my mailbox today that says YOUR ROOSTER CROWS FROM 6AM TO6PM EVERY DAY. THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS. Then it was signed by him.

I don't want anyone to be miserable in their own house and I believe he works second shift and sleeps during the day. That being said we will most likely never again find a rooster that is so quiet (he does not crow non stop and I can't even hear him in my house which is frame while theirs is CBS). I also think that if we get rid of the rooster it is not going to change our relationship with them at all and he will just find something else to complain about. If their any neighborly dialogue I might think differently.

Again we try to be good neighbors. We cut down a big oak tree near their property line so they could grow a tree they planted as we saw the shade from our oak would kill it. We keep our yard tended always and I do the best I can with the noise. The chickens are in Omlet coops with autodoors so they are locked up sunset to a few hours past sunrise now that it is cooler. Work days they are in the run and on weekends we let them out to free range.

I am just wondering what you would do. Should I rehome him? So far I have just ignored the letter. Feeling really sad today.
I know this thread is relatively old, but I just wanted to say that I've been going through the same thing. Our zoning here is agricultural (there are several farms right down the road from us) but my neighbors are awful and have complained about my roosters. I even bring my roosters inside at night during the summer (not in the winter, because everyone's windows are closed and you can't hear them), but they still complained. They've even threatened to sue me, but it's been several months now and I've heard nothing, so I don't think that's going to happen.
One of the neighbors that complained only just moved in from NYC, and they don't even live here full time. They're only here on weekends, and not even every weekend. It's very annoying, and I hate having to live next to these terrible people.

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