Neighbor threatening to "take out my roosters"

seventreefarms one song says God is great beer is good and people are crazy, and it sounds like some of us agree with most of that. My neighbor and I have had problems over the years, and he has a gulf course yard like the main poster's problem, just to tick him off there was a time that the other 2 houses that could bee seen from his house mowed their yards on 2 different day. Lets say Monday and Wednesday for this discussion he'd mow on friday for the weekend and tuesday and thursday to get his shorter than the other 2 so I'd mow sarurday out of spite since he caused problems so he'd mow sunday so he'd mow 4 times too prove he had the best lawn even if he barely snipped a 4 by 4 section 1/16th of an inch. after some other stunts like that we got him broke over most of the stuff he was pulling, it wasn't worth it to him parents had a neighbor like that! He would mow almost immediately after dad finished his yard. Even if the guy just mowed the day before! We thought it was quite funny.
The guy across the street from us always comes out to fiddle with the handle on his door when he sees us out in our yard... and if we have just mowed our lawn, he always tells us how nice it looks and then complains about the neighbors because theirs is an inch longer than our freshly mowed lawn, or has a bunch of dandelions, or isn't growing grass well... or... or... or.

We've always accepted the compliments and let him know we don't much care about what the neighbors are doing with theirs... because... it's theirs.

We did tell him about our chicken endeavor and he sounded excited about them in a positive way. So... I think he just likes us.

Some people just don't get it.
We have a guy that moved in across the street about 2 years ago. We call him Garage Man, because he just sits in his garage and watches the neighborhood. He came over the other day and was complaining about the neighbors dog because it barks. He wanted me to sign a complaint petition that he was putting togethr to get the dog removed from the neighborhood.

Thing is...that dog only barks at people that are starngers to the neighborhood. He doesn't bark at me and he doesn't bark at Garage Man or any of the other neighbors. But if you don't belong in the neighborhood, he will bark at you with a very deep penetrating bark. I pointed this out to Garage Man. He had not noticed this about the dog....all he knew was that it was a dog that barked so therefore it needed to leave.

I told himk that barking is natural...the dog only barks at strangers and rarely barks at night....because he's indoors. I told him to tear up his petition and grow a pair...We haven't spoken much since then, but the petition was not turned in and the dog caught a few kids breaking into cars.

Awesome Dog.
Rock Home Isle perhaps if you tried to be more polite about it and never told him to grow a pair he'd be friendlier than he is now. sometimes you have to get tough, but sometimes we screw ourselves when we get a little too tough.
Rock Home Isle perhaps if you tried to be more polite about it and never told him to grow a pair he'd be friendlier than he is now. sometimes you have to get tough, but sometimes we screw ourselves when we get a little too tough.

Approaching me with a petition that is intended to make a family get rid of a dear and cherished pet...and a member of their not a good way to start off the day or to say, "Hi I'm new in the neighborhood." (At 2 years, you're still a newby to the hood)

POLITE...Are you kidding me?....

I was as "polite" as I felt necessary. I made my feelings very well understood: "Its their dog...he's a good dog. Let them keep their dog."

I don't care much for Petitioners, I made that understood as well.

A few days later that little girl brought me cookies and thanked me for not signing...I like cookies...."Petitioners"...not so much.

Garage Man is still there...we wave, but we don't talk much.
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Well the neighbor had been behaving himself lately but today he just HAD to say something again...

He came to the fence line (stayed on his side of property) and, well... Was first of all shouting at me to get my attention because I was wearing headphones. Then started out by saying, and I quote... "YOU LIED TO ME" This is really not the way to start off a conversation with anyone!! He said I lied about my pasture getting eaten by my horses. He even said that no animal has been on the one pasture for over three weeks. Well all I can say is have you ever heard for rotational grazing???!!!! Seriously!

Long story short all I said was, "thats to bad you feel that way" and turned around, put back on headphones and continued to pull weeds in the garden (for the next 3 hours I might add) and I have no idea if he said anything else.

I think that he was told that the roosters are fine and legal by the humane society, so he needs something else to dwell on. What a sad life, I kind of feel bad for him if that is all he has to do. Well, maybe I dont feel that bad for him. lol.

He sure is missing out. I dropped off eggs, radishes, and a lettuce mix to my other neighbor today. He likes to mow my grass for me, I think he feels bad that I dont have a riding lawn mower. So they get lots of free eggs and produce.
I am very glad to hear that he is loosing his steam unlike my old neighbor. It sounds like hes just a grumpy old man who is always home and so needs something to complain about :/

And shame on your for lying :mad: How dare you rotate your pastures like a good farmer.
A distant cousin of mine came to a family reunion the first part of this month and he told my uncle he didn't put up hay anymore, the Uncle couldn't understand how he never without getting hay unless he sold his cattle off, I simply asked the cousin if he did what you did and rotate the pastures. He told us yes he did every few days, the uncle who I never lived on a farm just on some mostly wooded land couldn't understand how he did it and how I knew what he did to keep the cows happy I simply said in this way of pasturing the cattle keep it mostly the same height and never ate some areas bare and let other areas untouched and act like they had nothing to eat. The cousin (he only has met me twice and I am in my late 30's) told me I was pretty bright for a guy who didn't have a ranch out west (Wyoming as opposed to living in Indiana).
I am very glad to hear that he is loosing his steam unlike my old neighbor. It sounds like hes just a grumpy old man who is always home and so needs something to complain about :/

And shame on your for lying :mad: How dare you rotate your pastures like a good farmer.

LMAO I totaly agree!!! Thats just too darn funny NOT to crack up over.

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