Neighborhood dogs keep killing chickens

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Reminds me of a incident that happened several years ago when I lived in a neighborhood... One lady had 4 chickens, the only person on the street to have any (she was my next door neighbor) when she was home she let them roam the yard, my dogs never gave the chickens the time of day and respected the fence between our yards... One day she caught another neighbors cats red handed chasing down her chickens in the back yard... So she approached said neighbor about it only to be met with a curse filled rant about how his cat is 'entitled' to roam the neighborhood and he can't and won't stop it from doing so just because she has chickens... A week goes by and the neighbor with the chickens has to rush two of her own 'toy' dogs to the vet, one dies and the other barely pulls through... Vet diagnosis the cause as 'rat poison' and sure enough after that diagnosis she searches her back yard (and tells me to do the same since we are neighbors) and she finds several 'rat pellets' tossed around her chicken coop area... Coincidence? Or payment for trying to do the right thing?

Exactly these people who do this usually don't care what you think they have an attitude and if you approach them that is a likely response. That is why so many on the forum preach shoot, shovel, shut up.
Reminds me of a incident that happened several years ago when I lived in a neighborhood... One lady had 4 chickens, the only person on the street to have any (she was my next door neighbor) when she was home she let them roam the yard, my dogs never gave the chickens the time of day and respected the fence between our yards... One day she caught another neighbors cats red handed chasing down her chickens in the back yard... So she approached said neighbor about it only to be met with a curse filled rant about how his cat is 'entitled' to roam the neighborhood and he can't and won't stop it from doing so just because she has chickens... A week goes by and the neighbor with the chickens has to rush two of her own 'toy' dogs to the vet, one dies and the other barely pulls through... Vet diagnosis the cause as 'rat poison' and sure enough after that diagnosis she searches her back yard (and tells me to do the same since we are neighbors) and she finds several 'rat pellets' tossed around her chicken coop area... Coincidence? Or payment for trying to do the right thing?

^^^^ This. This is what makes me nervous! You do the right thing with people are are not rational and things like this happen.
^^^^ This.  This is what makes me nervous!  You do the right thing with people are are not rational and things like this happen.  

Hate to say it,but your hitting the nail on the head my friend! Any time you mix emotions for a pet chicken OR livestock investments with another pet or "family investment" aka whoever's dog,,,your playing with gas&gonna get burned. You got idiots letting whatever stray off their own property&expecting the public (or neighbors) to take responsibility for them. There's a major route traveled near here some wise guy let's his geese&ducks crowd during rush hour&they at least 3times a week almost cause a car crash! You basically just got to keep your cool& decide "how do I want this to turn out?" some of us are laided back&we deal. Some are little more hot headed&dramatic(or fairly enough invested somehow). Hopefully from this thread We can all agree if you desire to keep poultry ALIVE do the best you can for your situation within your rights and if you have a dog you desire BE responsible&follow the rules like the rest of us.
Bottom line is, keep your dog on your property and off of mine. If your dog is killing my chickens that are free ranging on MY PROPERTY, I have the right to OFF HIM.

No dog owner has the right to tell me that I should build a killer-proof pen so that his dog, that runs loose won't kill my stock.
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You have to have a dog and predator proof pen..

Chickens are prey animals.. and food for many predators.... us chicken keepers need to house them in secure coops to protect them from predators.

The people letting their dogs run loose and kill chickens is another issue.

They too need to protect their dogs.. keep them fenced in or in secure runs or on chains and look after them with proper exercise.

If the dogs are not killing our chickens some other predator like a racoon or snake will kill them. If we house them in a secure coop and run then we are keeping them safe from dogs and ALL predators... and we won't have any worries.

Anyone keeping their chickens with no predator protection should not be surprised when their birds get killed.

Take responsibility for your pets and livestock... both dog owners and chicken keepers!
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The bottom line still comes out to:  Make you pens predator proof.

Are you offering to finance making my 30 acres predator proof, so my animals are 'secure' from rouge dogs? And if you are, I'll have to pass because I personally don't desire to turn my property into a giant predator proof bird cage... I'll take steps to secure my property but it's not my responsibility to contain and control the neighbors dog, that is their responsibility...

No dog owner has the right to tell me that I should build a killer-proof pen so that his dog, that runs loose won't kill my stock.

Well said...

You have to have a dog and predator proof pen..

Who says I have to have a predator proof pen? I personally choose to have predator proof coop for night, but I'm not going to invest in predator proofing 30 acres because someone feels I'm obliged to for some obscure reason like keeping out a rouge dog... What about the dog owner that is violating the law, damaging the chicken owners property, while the dog owner is failing to control their dog with a leash or fence, are they not the cause of the problem? As for being upset, I guess you also agree that when someone shoots a dog killing their chickens the dog owner as well can't be upset, it's a two way street after all?

If the dogs are not killing our chickens some other predator like a racoon or snake will kill them.

As I explained earlier, domestic dogs are a unique predator due to the fact they no longer fear humans and hunt or even kill for fun during the day, and have learned how to avoid many barriers that deter wild predators... Chances of a natural predator beyond a raptor attacking my birds during the day when I'm outside is minimal to none, on the other hand a loose domestic dog likely won't hesitate and thus poses an exponentially higher risk, but a risk solved conclusively with a few pennies worth of brass and lead...
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Its really the owners fault

I that case I'd shoot both the dog and his owner. Just kidding folks. But sincerely, where I come from we have enough trouble with the big city folks bringing their unwanted animals out to the "country" and turning them loose, to be bothered by the neighbors dog when the neighbor should know better in the first place. I have taken in a few strays in my days but I can't adopt them all. And the local animal control can't catch them all. So I'll be darned if I am going to sit back and let my animals get mutilated and killed because someone else can't/won't control their animals or worse, pawns them off on me and my neighbors so they become our problem!
I have a few other things to say on this situation and they all start with numbers. 22, 30-30, 12 ga, 6.5 grendel
 Its really the owners fault

I  that case I'd shoot both the dog and his owner. Just kidding folks. But sincerely, where I come from we have enough trouble with the big city folks bringing their unwanted animals out to the "country" and turning them loose, to be bothered by the neighbors dog when the neighbor should know better in the first place. I have taken in a few strays in my days but I can't adopt them all. And the local animal control can't catch them all. So I'll be darned if I am going to sit back  and let my animals get mutilated and killed because someone else can't/won't control their animals or worse, pawns them off on me and my neighbors so they become our problem!
I have a few other things to say on this situation and they all start with numbers. 22, 30-30, 12 ga, 6.5 grendel

Well now, COURSE we can't do as you first mentioned but still nice to know my random thoughts are crossing others minds too! Had to crack up at that.
I agree with shooting the predator.. We have neighbors who let their dogs run wild we have cattle along with chickens the dogs chase the cows and the cows can get hurt so they get shot same with the ones (dogs and cats) get shot for damaging or harassing my hens. My dogs are fence in as our my hens we live on 200 arces with other family members so for respect our animals are fence in but they would be allowed to roam the property if we own it all.
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