Neighbors dog


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 14, 2013
Neighbors dog killed my rooster and injured 2 of my hens today. My wife was home and witnessed the attack but couldn't get out there fast enough. One hen seems like she'll fine but I don't think the other will make it. We live in NH and I like to give the girls a chance to free range so predation will happen, I get it. But to have a neighbors dog just bite the head off makes me angry.

My wife called the police who captured the dog and returned him to the owner with a $100 fine and informed the owner that he is to pay restitution. I'd like some advice on the foIlowing.

I have no idea what I should be asking for in restitution?

I have not seen this dog before, even though they live a few house up the street. Is he likely to return regularly now that he knows the chickens are here?

NH law allows me to legally shoot this dog for attacking my livestock ( pets ). But I hate for it to come to that.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I would ask for the value of the chooks, plus money it would cost to feed them to the day they were attacked and any medical cost for the surviving chook. As for the dog (I love my dogs) that came to your yard, if the law says it ok to shoot them, do it the next time it come back, if the owner is irresponsible that's his lost. Or trap it and take it to a pound a few town down, maybe someone more responsible will adopt it. We have three dogs, once they made up their mind about killing chooks, no matter what you do, it wont change their mind. They may behave for you when you are there but turn your back..its natural instinct.
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It is completely understandable that you don't want to have to shoot the dog. Domesticated dogs aren't like other chicken predators, meaning the birds aren't a food supply to them, so it may not be very important to them to come back. They usually kill because it's like a game to them. I would maybe even say that they "play with things to death". That's not to say that he won't happen thorough your yard again. If he does, you now know that the dog likes to maul chickens. This is what I've done the past two times someone's dog has killed any of my animals. If I know who's dog it is, I give the owner one nice, polite warning and one nice, polite warning only. (We live in a rural area so the police don't get called for situations like these, also dangerous animals are taken VERY seriously here.) I tell them to please keep an eye on their dog, as it has just killed some of my livestock. I tell them that if I see the dog on my property again, I will be forced to take matters into my own hands. I don't like doing it, but it's the only way to 100% guarantee that that particular animal will not be bothering me again. Granted, other predators could attack, but that's one less that I have to worry about. Hopefully the dog just got loose and you won't have to see it again, and that is the end of the situation.
birdybooo has the right idea about what to ask for in restitution. I do feel that if they allow their dog to run loose again it will be back. Even if the dog was just playing a game of chase with the chickens when it killed them it was fun enough that it would remember and come back for more.
I have a geezer dog - he is a 13+ GSD mix. The dog once flushed a neighbor cat out from under a bush when the dog went to pee on it. Years ago. (He did not hurt the cat) He still looks for that cat under that bush every walk.

Yes, the dog is likely to come back.
I was thinking the same thing. $40 per bird. Wether it be for the taste (he ate the Roos head) or the fun of it. If it gets loose I expect to see it again. Tomorrow I will nicely tell the owner that I won't tolerate the dog in the yard and make sure that he understands NH law on the subject.
The dog found some fun new self-propelled chew toys! He'll probably be back. My thought is, once could be an accident. Maybe a door or gate accidentally got left open. If it's a chronic thing, I wouldn't be too tolerant. If you do end up shooting the dog, you need to think about how you will handle it. Does the dog just disappear without a trace? Do you tell the neighbors what happened to their dog and take a chance of retaliation? Hopefully this was a one time thing and you won't have to worry about it.
I went through the same thing. Restitution is restoring lost or stolen property to it's owner so all you can legally claim is your actual expenses. In my case, she paid for replacement birds and the shipping costs since they came from out of state. You could also add in feed if you keep good records and possibly something for the time that replacing the birds that possibly won't be laying for awhile. My incident set me back five to 6 months because only pullets are available to me. Be happy if you get your replacement costs. Explain to them how it sets your program back but don't expect them to agree to it. If they do, good for you.
So the neighbor came by the house and apologized. The conversation went smooth. I explained to him how these were pets, the kids had specifically choose each one online and we had them shipped from out of state. They had named them and raised them from chicks. I proposed he pay $30 per bird, $60 total. He agreed, with a slightly surprised face and promised it wouldn't happen again.

Fast forward a week and half.

No payment received and the word from other neighbors who he apparently complained to was that I was out of my mind asking for $60. When they only cost $5 at most and I was taking food out of his kids mouth.

Soooo....what to do????

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