Nervous about eating your own eggs? I am.


9 Years
Jan 10, 2011
Durant, Oklahoma
Most of us have seen the videos of the caged chickens in the huge egg factories and its terrible. But we have also seen the many steps the companies take to make sure the eggs are as clean as can be. Others of us have never thought much about where eggs come from as we reach across and grab a carton of eggs at the store.
But now we have our own chickens, we see what they eat (for the most part) and we see them "play" around in our yards/runs. And we keep thinking about that first egg, oh how good its going to be. So around the time they should start laying, we run out there several times a day and check. Then one day that miracle of an egg appears in the nest. Your so excited and happy that you tell everyone about it. Some of us keep the egg (by preserving it) but others like me, take lots of pictures and add it to the menu.

Now the big day has come to eat. But wait what will it taste like? Am I going to find anything not normal or worse a developing egg?

Well all my eggs except one was the size of a golf ball, so I saved up the eggs till I had enough to make a meal, about a week. Today was the big day for me. I've had a bad experience as a kid with a developing egg and since then I've avoided fresh eggs. I wanted chickens again because they are just awesome animals, but I had to understand that the eggs and chickens would be food later. I reduced the risk of a "bad egg" by not having a rooster (yet) and checking for eggs every few hours. So with very nervous hands I crack open the little egg. Man was it hard to do, there was enough egg shell covering that little yolk & white for a jumbo sized egg. The yolk was a little bit of a shock, so dark yellow. Not used to that. Three more eggs down and I get a very dark yellow egg almost a burnt yellow color. I'm OK, so I tell myself the egg is good and it's normal. So now that I have enough of the eggs open to make breakfast for everyone, I start to scramble them. WOW talk about a difference. The color is so rich and the yolks didn't disappear into the whites like the store's do. The finished product looked like someone added mustard to the scrambled eggs, it was so yellow.

Now I'm very nervous, the taste test. Yep its an egg! No shocking taste just nice scrambled eggs.

So if you are standing in your kitchen nervous and feeling silly about eating that first egg knowing in your heart that it's better for you and your just being the chicken, you are not alone. You can do it too.
I used to be, when I first got my chooks. Now those are the ONLY eggs our family ever eats. We haven't bought store eggs in almost a year now.
I was nervous at first too, although it took me several meals to get over it.
I still don't like meat or blood spots.

When I posted this last year, someone called me a headcase.

Imp- it's true.

So what's meal #2?
My husband told me he refuses to eat any of our eggs because the ladies are in with the roosters. I told him that's fine, go buy your own roosterless chickens and pay to feed them yourself, haha. I can't wait to start getting eggs.
So close!
I've got 6 eggs in the fridge now that are the first ones that my girls have laid. I haven't gotten up the nerve yet to eat them. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has or had this feeling.

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