Nervous about eating your own eggs? I am.

I can totally relate. I was super nervous about eating our first egg. But then you numb up to it. It still kind of creeps my DH out. Course, he's a City Boy and thinks eggs come in cartons. Not from chickens.

What I love is sharing them with friends. Who in turn, share back. Someone just brought us some bacon from a small place in the Eastern Sierra's that makes all kinds of pork products in small batches. And I'm about to go outside and pick some berries to go with our bacon and eggs. Mmmmm, I'm going to have happy dreams tonight.
My newest layers have a habit of leaving bloodspots in their eggs
, so no egg gets cracked in this house unless it's into a cup or bowl first. After that, it's all good!!
I also have 2 teeny tiny chicks, and their eggs are so small they are barely bigger than my thumb, so those eggs get hardboiled for either potato salad, they are the perfect size to just quarter and yummmmmm!!!

I do have a funny/gross story. Dead of winter. DD12 goes out to collect eggs every day. If she misses a collection, then next batch get trashed immediately. I don't know if she just found an egg hidden, or wasn't collecting properly, but hubby goes to make some fried eggs one night, and spent the rest of the night praying to the porcelain god, the egg was rotten and black
Lets just say, all the eggs collected the rest of the winter were trashed (per hubby), and we had to eat gross store bought eggs
It took him 4 months before he'd eat eggs again. Thankfully, it made our daughter realize time is important when collecting eggs, she now does it right.
I couldnt wait for our first egg. Took my silly girls 28 weeks to lay that egg and big hearted me gave it to my DH. Mainly cause he didnt think it would be that different. I cracked it in a bowl and cracked a store bought and showed him the difference then fried both for him. Now he wont even order eggs if we go out to eat. My DD has tiny D'Anvers egg that i make bite sized deviled eggs with.
Wow, I can't even remember my first egg. But now, the rare times I have store-bought eggs, the paler color almost disgusts me.
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I wasn't at all nervous about eating any of the eggs produced by my chickens, but I had to gear up to eat my first duck eggs. Oh MY! Now I tend to sell all my chicken eggs (either for food or for a couple friends whose flocks didn't have roosters, and some of their hens went broody. I just love the idea that some of my cross-breed chickens are being hatched in other yards.) The duck eggs, I cook up and eat, or give to my land-lady for her baking needs.

Now that I don't have a laying duck, I'm back to eating chicken eggs. My hens' eggs have totally spoiled me for restaurant egg dishes, much less grocery store eggs.
It is just so nice to be able to have eggs from birds you know weren't abused. My two that are old enough to produce eggs have blessed us with an egg a day (excluding broody times).
I,too, had to "gear up" to try my duck eggs...but man....a what a delicious egg that was! Fried with a bit o'salt and pepper! I do not like store bought eggs anymore...they have no flavor! I also have no guilt from eating eggs from a battered hen...I eat "spoiled rotten-run the yard-busy-body-hen" eggs
It took me a while to start eating our own. My biggest fear was opening an egg and finding a chick, we have roosters
Actually, the main motivation for me was to stop buying cage eggs and to stop my family from doing that... I think i've succeeded pretty well
My mind refuses to let me eat eggs.

Ever since I was scarred when we made quiche in home eco 8 years ago at school, the teacher INSISTED it would be cooked.... I ate it... it was raw.... put me off egg as food for life. I can't smell so I tend to like food depending on it's texture rather than just flavour. That probably made it worse.... Now I can only have eggs as an ingredient (cake etc) because if I can see the eggyness the memory of the raw quiche comes back and I start gagging. I remember egg tastes good, that I know I have cooked it properly but my brain just won't let me swallow it...

So the dogs, parents and fiance get my eggs. I get to look after the awesome birds that are chickens

Also about cleanliness, my hens refused to roost on a perch for AGES, they slept in the nest boxes so they'd get all poopy at night and make the eggs gross. It took me weeks of going out every night after dark to move them from the box to the perch for them to get the point! Now we get nice clean eggies!
well glad to see i was not alone on this. I thought I was a big baby at the time. lol.. I grew up on fresh eggs, then store eggs when i moved out of the house. Last year I started with my own flock and once again was going to have fresh eggs!! when my first four arrived I went and cooked us 4 wonderfull looking fried eggs. Took them out to DH and we both had two on our plates. I almost felt sick to my stomache and was really not wanting to eat them. Took a bite, almost threw up ( just mind over matter). By this time DH had DOWNED his and was drooling over mine. I took a second bite and the memories of Sunday morning breakfast came flooding back to me when I was a kid. The taste of them fresh eggs, butter, salt n pepper. Life like we knew it was OVER!!!!! nope, will NEVER go back to store bought eggs again. I keep telling DH that i need new chicks every spring as well to keep up the egg supply. works great! he buys it every spring.,...

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