nest boxes?????????????????????????


6 Years
Jan 26, 2013
Good Afternoon, I have 9 White Leghorns that just started laying 2 weeks ago BUT they will not lay in nest boxes. They find a hole in my wood pile and lays eggs there! I put one egg in each box but it did not help.
Any and ALL suggestions appreciated.
Are their nest boxes in their coop? If your coop is big enough I would lock them inside for a day or two and see if they decide to lay in the boxes then, since they won't be able to get to the wood pile.
I’ve done that but it usually takes about a week to retrain them. One or two days doesn’t do it.

One trick I’ve used. I made my nests so I can lock a hen in there if I want to. When I catch a hen laying in a nest on the floor of the coop instead of in the nests, when I see her on that floor nest I lock her in the real nest until she lays the egg. That normally takes about a half hour but I have had one that took about three hours. Usually it only takes doing that once to retrain her, but on occasion I’ve had to do it twice.
Yes, boxes are in coop. I thought about that but decided to try and glean some knowledge here first.
I think coop is big enough and I think I will try that.

Thank you for your time.
Catching them in the act and then putting them in box sounds like a good idea but I don't think they would let me catch them without a big race and I hate to do that to them.

Thank you for your idea and I may try it if I can catch them.

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