Nest on roof


8 Years
Dec 14, 2011
Marietta, GA
My lovely hen has layed several eggs in different places around the yard. I've put them in the'bator. Now she's decided to lay & sit on a tin roof. No wind or rain protection & @ the mercy of the temperature fluctuation of the tin.

What can I do? If I put up a ladder & give her straw, will she leave it? Goofy bird.
My lovely hen has layed several eggs in different places around the yard. I've put them in the'bator. Now she's decided to lay & sit on a tin roof. No wind or rain protection & @ the mercy of the temperature fluctuation of the tin.
What can I do? If I put up a ladder & give her straw, will she leave it? Goofy bird.
I would pick her off the roof at night and lock her in a small pen with her clutch. If she won't accept the new nest, too bad. You can't have chicks hatching on the roof. Good luck.......Pop
Sounds like she found a safe place, i would leave her and then place some food and water up there when they hatch, they can fly pretty good at an early age and the mom will get them down if you don't want to mess with her and them.

I have Muscovy ducks and they have hatched out a eggs in the loft of the barn more than once threw the years .

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