Nesting box size for standard Cochin


7 Years
Nov 15, 2012
ellis kansas
We have gotten one pair of Cochins, and have 15 chicks coming in a week, what size of nesting box do they require, and do I need to have 1 per hen as if they go broody the same time?
The chances of every bird in the flock being broody at the same time are so slim as to be beyond improbable - so, no, one nest per bird is not necessary. Generally speaking one box for every 4 birds is quite workable, with some folks choosing to fall within a bird or two on either side of that. I like my large fowl nest boxes to be in the 15x15 or 16x16 range, especially if I am planning to use them for brooding birds in addition to just for collection. An alternative is to plan to use nest boxes for laying/gathering eggs only and bringing in "broody boxes" if/when you have a broody bird that you want to set.
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What do you like to use for broody boxes?

Folks have all sorts of things they like to use -- from storage totes to animal crates or cardboard boxes - just about anything can be used. Some folks prefer to brood within the flock in the general coop, others opt to move their broody birds to entirely separate quarters. There are several different discussions, many with photos, here on BYC if you search "broody pen"

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