Nests Iteration 4 to Front Roll Away style

Ted Brown

Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Dec 12, 2018
near Shawville Quebec Canada
My Coop
My Coop
I expanded my 3+ year old flock in 2023, added 12 Chanteclers and 8 mixed coloured egg layers. I moved 5 males to an external cage but multiple males amongst other pressures arising from increased flock size required a change/expansion to my nest box arrangement.

This is what I had (actually not quite there are four red nests):


About mid-point of the new build here is where I am now:


I have an egg eating problem so the new nests are/will be roll away to the front. Bottom plywood floor panel slants 3" over 20"; nests are 12" deep behind red fascia & 12" wide 16' high.

I had only 30' of roost space with close to 30 birds; some birds were sleeping in the upper two white nests; those nests are now gone. I will add 3 nests to the right of the 4 hole fascia. I have already replaced a 36" roost with a 90" roost and wider (21") drop board that doubles as the top of the nests.

I am re-using whatever I can, consequence is new nests are "kit-like" in that it is assembled and can come apart in several sub -sections. I have yet to build a second new fascia with 3 (I hope) holes; will then build the roll away upper box with lid to sit on the front floor extension.
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Height of Roll Away Opening?

I found this diagram showing 4.5", seems high to me?


Diagram also shows 18" for depth of the nest (mine are 12" x 12" x 16"H).

Thoughts anyone?
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Height of Roll Away Opening?

I found this diagram showing 4.5", seems high to me?
Me too but I've also never built a rollaway. I have read on here where the hens were able to get to the eggs in the rollaway portion in some designs. At 4'5" I'd be concerned that a smaller hen could get through that into the "safe" section, let alone reach through to eat an egg.

Why would you need an opening much bigger than the egg if you are not retrieving the egg through that hole and need to get your hand through?

I'd also consider that 6" horizontal dimension with a 2" thick sponge. Is that far enough out so a hen cannot reach the egg to eat it through the hole? Maybe not if that hole is 4.5" high.

The thing I keep thinking is...make it adjustable, or easy to modify/adjust, both the egg opening and the slope.
Yes, especially the slope.
Strongly agree ease of change is important.

Floor held both sides with a 3" by 20" 3/8s plywood triangle screwed to end panels; easily replaced.

The red nest holes board is held in place with 2 screws; I will build a 2nd red nest holes front and mount same way.

I very much appreciate the various inputs!!
Life interfered: along the back of my pole shed I store firewood, the top part fell onto my bachelor cage; it took most of yesterday to move the wood and repair damage.

My artificial grass rug arrived, 2' by 8' edges bound; revised nest box floor is 20" by 7'.

Began to build the egg capture box - a 3 sided flat "U" made from cedar boards temporarily in place, rug down per @TexasBlues last pic above (thank you!!). I test rolled 4 eggs with a 2 1/4" opening, 2 went through; i will trim to make the opening 3" and increase the slope.

The 24" rug width allows me to roll up the front 4" to be the egg cushion.

Roll Away Nest Box 1.jpg Roll Away Nest Box 2.jpg

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