Never again!


12 Years
Sep 14, 2007
Ball Ground, Ga
I will never again have Jersey Giants. There are 6 out there, and out of 6, I get, at most, two eggs a day. Usually just one, sometimes none. They get everything they need nutritionally, I think they are just poor producers. I got them for eggs, I don't eat chickens.

So I just have 6 freeloaders.
Maybe if you got out in the coop with a friend you can casually mention that chickens that don't produce get eaten. That might change your mind LOL

If they really are not producing you might trying putting them on craiglist for someone looking for a pet chicken.
I have threatened them with eating them, even explained how to make chicken and dumplings to them. Didn't work. I've heard from a few other people that have JG's that theirs aren't producing any better.
My daughter came home last summer with 2 giants last year. They were about 4 weeks old. They laid for about 2 months when they were 21 weeks. But thats about it. Now they are "freeloaders" as you say. Maybe an egg or two once in a while from them.

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