Never had Cocci til I started feeding medicated...

I've hatched many batches of babies and my common practice was to feed them unmedicated and they stayed in the porch until they were fully feathered at which point they were put out in a grow out pen in the coop (with the other chickens). When they were in the brooder indoors I would take a small amount of dirt from the coop and sprinkle it in their litter to get them used to whatever bugs the adults may have before the big move. Never lost one chick doing this.

Like I said, never had cocci before, never had any issues at all. Now I take back blaming the medicated feed for them getting it but I can't help but not be impressed with the whole situation and I am kicking myself for switching my practices. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!! Lesson learned.
Sometimes it takes a right combination of events to have a problem with cocci. I've had one bout of cocci in over a decade and I've always done everything the same. Only difference that one time was that there was an abnormal warm summer rain, all our rain is usually cold, and that one bunch of chicks got it. Everything was just as everything had been done for the previous decade, yet it happened to one group of birds. Even with the medicated feed, you want to sprinkle run dirt into the brooder as you would with unmedicated feed, or it doesn't do anything.

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