New 2-month chicks won't leave coop!?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 1, 2014
Flower Mound, TX
Hi! I hope someone can help!
We got our chicks on Saturday night. We've kept them in their mobile coop and run the entire time so far. This morning, not one would come out of the coop! I took some treats to entice them, and they came out for that. But they quickly went back upstairs.
We haven't done anything differently.
Could a predator have scared them in the night? They all appear in good shape and healthy.
It's warm now, pretty hot during the day where we are.
Were they going in and out the last few days until this morning? As long as they are acting/looking OK other wise and eating and drinking Could be something scared them in like you think, or it is just more comfortable in the coop right now weatherwise and they don't really have anything to do in the run to entice them out. We have a lot of hawks around right now, and the younger birds/chicks tend to spend a lot of time hiding.
Yes they've been coming out for almost the entire day! They will come out if we go out there or entice with food. We've checked them all, and they seem fine.
I suppose I'm just nervous as I've never had chickens before!
Thanks for your help!
When I have a new bunch, I have noticed that the first few days after moving them outdoors that they spend most of their time in the coop even with the door open. It seems that it takes one to be adventurous and check out what's going on on the ground to entice the others to venture out into the open. After a few days, they will be out with the best of them.

Thanks Chris!
Their behavior has been a tad bit more normal the past two mornings. I suppose they are still adjusting.
I have read conflicting advice on how long to leave them in their coop before letting them out during the day to free-range. Would you happen to have an opinion on this?
Thanks so much!

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