New 8 x 12 Bantam Coop *New Additions-Post 244~ 6/2*

I love these colors, so cheerful- come out an a winter morning and you will have to smile at your pansy colors. We have long grey winters and this would be a daily perk me up.
BTY unless you have extreamly tidy chickens you won't see most of the green.
Thanks and welcome to BYC! I think it will be very cheerful and I did think of the floor color not showing much, but I think I'll paint the half wall under the huge window with the green and the other walls with the violet. Gosh, who knows, maybe I should paint a mural or something.
It's springtime in the coop! Just look at these colors! The violet on the walls is in progress but had to leave because of the fumes of that oil based paint before I got finished with them, but here is a taste of what it will look like.


Oh wow is that cool - love the colors - it is really fun watching your progress!! We have just started ours and have the footings in place
Can't wait until I can pick out paint!!
Ok, how about some input, folks? We have the basic pen built, but need to do a top and predator proofing, filling in gaps, etc. We want to cover it with the 2x4 welded wire fencing that the pen is made from, but supports are an issue. Need the cheapest way to do that. We have 2 treated 8' 2x4's, some more of the U-posts that we could use somehow, but not much else, maybe one or two of the metal chainlink poles. I was thinking about making sort of a T with lumber and/or posts in the middle of the pen and draping the fencing from one side, across the "T" to the other side, but now quite sure.

Here is a pic of the basic pen and gate. The coop is just primed and we may be able to paint it tomorrow, if the weather holds. That chainlink gate was purchased at Home Depot for $1.50, believe it or not. It's 1/2 of a double unit drive gate, which we also bought for another $1.50. It was cut in places, but DH wove some wire through the gaps and we already had some of the fasteners/hinges here. The welded wire is the 4' fencing and we only used 32' of the 100' roll so there should be plenty for what we need to do, though may have to buy more hardware cloth for covering the chainlink gate, etc.


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