New 8 x 12 Bantam Coop *New Additions-Post 244~ 6/2*

I like the green for the walls and violet on the floor. Also the gold for the nest or to trim them with it. Wish i could find those colors for the inside of my coop.
Mine is wood with stains. I have scrubbed them of any gook and it's time to paint them. Thats going to be really pretty. I looked at Lowes at the oops and there wasn't anything in Franklin at all that I could use.
Oh Well, next time maybe.
Love the coop and the venting. Gloria Jean
It's not my fav shade of green, either, but I'll roll with it. For $5/gallon, yup, it's going on the walls. This is some tough paint, too, has a very hard finish, I can tell from just touching the lid sample. I was looking at porch/floor paint and it was $22/gallon; just didn't want to spend that much.

Gloria Jean, we just lucked out. I've checked out that shelf plenty of times and found not bright colors, but just odd colors. These are just cheerful. If it had been pink rather than violet, I'd probably have passed, though.
Finished the interior door between storage/brooder room and coop, the nest boxes and hinged hardware cloth screen on end window. Keep in mind that all this will be painted---the Fresh Eggs sign was just a piece of plywood we scrounged for the door, won't stay that way, LOL.




This last pic is the corner where the roost is supposed to go, but the end window is in my way. Any suggestions would be welcome here. Don't want it too steep nor to take up much of the floor space. That 2x4 is just propped there- I was trying to visualize something.

It is looking great - love following your progress - we are breaking ground on ours today! 6x8 with a 6x12 ft covered run - sooo exciting!
We're installing the roosts now, then will vacuum the dust out and start painting today inside (exterior will have to wait for a longer dry spell than we're having this week). Will post pics later.

I don't know if we have skills, but we sure have practice!
Roosts and nests, as well as the hardware cloth screen frame, are painted with the Oops! Behr paint. It's either French's Mustard or Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket, LOL. The egg production ought to be great since they'll think the sun is shining when it isn't.
The floor has the green (seafoam? In some lights, it has a tinge of blue in it) on it. Has to dry then will do walls, as far as the paint goes, in the violet color.




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