New 8 x 12 Bantam Coop *New Additions-Post 244~ 6/2*

I love the colors. So bright and cheery. Keep up the pics.
Its coming to life! Love the gold trim and shiny gray floor! Looks like it will be easy (hmmm is that the right word??
) to clean!
Thanks! I think it will be really cheerful, sort of a Peewee's Playhouse coop, especially with violet walls, LOL. The paint has to dry overnight because we put it on so heavy. Maybe I should call it the Oops Coop after the paint colors!
The floor is really a seafoam green or similar to it--it doesn't show the color well in my picture.
I can't wait to see it with the violet walls. I love violet and sage green in particular. I can just see the new crew getting the first look at their new digs and clucking to themselves, "What was she thinking?!"

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