New Ameraucaunas

Chickie Newbie

Jun 22, 2015
Tucson, AZ
Hello, I just got these two Ameraucaunas from our local feed store because I wanted blue eggs and I've been assured they're hens. I'm a new chicken owner and not so sure. What do you think? They are about six or seven weeks old.

Also the white one has tufts but the wheaten really doesn't yet. Are they Ameraucaunas in your opinion?

Those are pretty chickens!

I think they are both hens. However, many feed stores and hatcheries mislable Easter Eggers as Ameraucanas. I was tricked when I got my EE. Pure Ameraucanas have a different shape and coloring to them. However, while Easter Eggers do vary, they are still hardy, beautiful, and in my opinion unique enough to make their own breed. They lay a variety of egg shell colors, though green is common.

I hope this helps. Best of luck!
That is music to my ears, Gitabooks! I really enjoy them, no matter if they're EEs or Ameraucaunas. I actually had a sleepless night worrying that I had roo and would have to rehome it. Thanks so much!.
Yes, pretty Easter Egger pullets! Like you, I have 2 and one has muffs/beard, the other does not. The one that does not looks a lot like your pullet that does not have muffs/beard. Here's a pic of her at the same age as your girl and then today, at 3 months. I love the lavender blue feathers in her tail. Can't wait to see what color eggs my Easter Eggers lay! Enjoy yours!


Yep, two EE pullets. My two lay brown eggs. I hope yours are more colorful. (Of all the eEs I've owned, only three have given me brown eggs. I've had green, olive, cream and blue. )

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