New Arrivals


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 4, 2012
Clayton, Ohio
Here are our newest turkeys! Arrived this morning.

From what I can tell here's what we have:
18 Poults from Meyer Hatchery
6 Narragansett
4 Black Spanish
2 Royal Palm (We Think)
6 Bourbon Red (We Think)

So far they seem to be doing ok and with exception of one trying to drown itself in the waterer they seem to have found the water and feed. The tip about putting the food on some aluminum foil worked great. I dipped their beaks in the water and the feed as I put them into the brooder and that seemed to help with the water, but they didn't pay attention to the feed until I put some on the foil.

I use a hardware cloth lid, and they sit above the lid - turned them off briefly to take pictures so everything wouldn't be red.
Just an update - all of them made it through the weekend just fine. I was worried about one in the beginning but after a good night of rest he was ready to go.

They're on game bird starter and water with electrolytes and vitamins as well as a little bit of sugar for the first few days.It's going to be time to change out their bedding tonight.


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