New baby ducklings! Now what?


In the Brooder
Mar 5, 2016
Hi, my duck just hatched to beauties and now I'm wondering what to do.


Should I separate them from mom? Or separate them with mom from the others? Or don't do anything at all? Thanks
Aww they are beautiful, I'm new to ducks so have no advice for you, just wanted to say they are gorgeous
Their adorable!! What genders?

We aren't sure yet, Daffy (the one in the background) has developed a proper quack last couple of days so I'm thinking girl for that one but they are due vet checks soon so I'll hopefully find out for definite then
Well little brownie died. Our older Pekin got him/her. But we seperated momma and baby away from the others. Daddy gets to come see him/her everynow and then but not Our pekin. Hoping for some more babies. My mom has gone to get an incubator to finish the other eggs. Lets hope all goes well
I'm sorry for the loss of little brownie. You never know how the other ducks are going to react to a little one so it's always best to keep them seperated for a while. Good luck with incubating the rest of the eggs.

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