new barn in the works!!


10 Years
Aug 19, 2009
so my dad is finally fed up with me taking up his entire barn for chicken rearing purposes, which i previously used all of for my competition horses (he thought he got it back when i stopped competing horses and downsized...then i got into chickens). SOOOO i must put up a new building for my chicken farming. the plan is as follows....

12X24 barn divided inside into 10 5X6 pens, i dont want to waste space for an isle, so one pen will have a door to the next, wide enough for my wheelbarrow for cleaning purposes. 1 pen will be for the incubator and supplies, 3 pens will be for chick rearing, the remaining 7 pens will have outdoor runs ranging from 5X10-10X10 and will be for housing small breeding groups of birds.

to get a visual idea, this barn will be built along the left end of my existing chicken enclosure (photograped pen is 20X30, and is now being covered with corrugated metal roofing), this photo is old (the dog houses have since been replaced with 4X4 coops), there is another section 10X20 added onto the left end (making it 20X40), where this new building will be, utilizing the newer 10X20 run section split into 4 runs at 5X10 each. I am also adding another run section at least 10X24 coming off the left side of the new building. I dont even think i will make enough next season to cover the cost on this new building, but as it is essential to my chicken farming i have no choice, and it will be very nice to have a space build for exactly what i need! and with automated watering to boot! so less work.


would love to see photos of anyone elses chicken buildings! im in love with the fact i can have runs coming off both long sides of this barn! if i have enough roofing all the new runs will also be covered (parents just re-roofed the house! so i have first dibbs on all the old materals, which is a lot)
thought id also add i am really hoping that i can get the cement foundation poured in the next month and get started on the framing, i have a team of three, me my bf and my dad! I have the $ for the foundation and by next month can buy the appropriate framing materials. luckily my dad has lots of construction experiance because the only thing i have built is a few pens and 4X4 coops, which although i am very proud of, deffinatly leave something to be desired

apparently i did have a photo with the latest 10X20 addition, but not the new coops.

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