New breed projects?


10 Years
Feb 14, 2009
I know people work on different colors or patterns of existing breeds, but is anyone working on a totally new breed all together?
Show girls are the only ones I know of... curious what their origin is, did a certain person start breeding them and then they caught on? I'm not talking about chickens who arn't in the APA or w/e, I'm talking totally brand new made up breed... so if anyone is working on one or considering doing so I would love to hear your plan...
white fluffy heavy breed? Like a huge silkie? Oh I'm not laughing, if you knew my idea you'd probably be the one laughing. I like your ideas! Keep me updated please!!!
I have a few ideas for new breeds in my head, dont want to talk too much about them, someone might steal my amazing ideas. Lets just say I will call one of the new breeds "Zoya's". I have the breeding projects planned out with the first colors to be made and which would come after the first color. It will be amazing.
haha yes sort of like a huge silkie. Only in a Brahma shape. I actually have my first bird, and more eggs in the bator going right now. The Pink wyandottes are going to take a year or more to even get the first chicks though.
One breed I have thought about 're-making' are the white wonders. I have a few old books that mention them. They are a large white bird with feathered feet and a rose comb with yellow skin/legs. I havent found a standard description for them other than that so I am thinking maybe something like a wyandottes type with feathered feet.

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