New bunny biting


Dec 5, 2021
Hey I just got a new bunny not sure the gender yet finding out tomorrow!! Not even a year old. It seems really happy but the other day it randomly bit me and drew blood and then sniffed my leg and bit me again i know they are not nibbles because it really hurt both times. A few questions are bunny born knowing a bit from nibble? And how can I make sure it wont happen again my family and friends are afraid to go around it as they think they are going to get bit so far it hasn’t done it again but I’m always on edge now too since it’s not pleasant. Any advice is helpful


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Your bunny is adorable!

Rabbits are prey animals, so he's likely just scared in a new environment with new people. To earn his trust, lay on the ground and let him come up to you. Staying on his level will make him more comfortable and feel less threatened. You can try offering him a small treat, such as a slice of carrot, banana, apple, or some herbs.
Try doing this without touching or holding him for around 5 minutes a day. Over time he'll more confident around you and he'll see that people aren't so bad.

Giving him plenty exercise with free roaming in a bunny proofed room will help get exercise and be more relaxed around you.

Is this your first rabbit?
Yes this is my first rabbit I let it out to play and run around but working on the potty training so far no incidents which is great. Thank you from what I researched the bites werent in an aggressive way so I wasnt sure if it just does know how hard its bit is compared to a nibble

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