New chick integration; 7 existing + 5 new chicks

Is a soft shelled egg normal to find during the molt? Are they putting most of their protein towards the making of new feathers?
Could be the change in feed, they need to have supplemental calcium.
I use Oyster Shells mixed with crushed chicken egg shells in a separate feeder.
Most birds that are molting don't lay...but as they slow down you can get some funky eggs.
Heat can definitely affect (slow) egg laying. Any changes, such as change in feed, can also affect it. Molting has begun for many of us too... my older birds are all in the middle of it and between that and constant broodiness my egg production has dropped by 50% this month.
Very interesting points, thank you.

I failed to mention that I do provide two containers, one with grit and another with crushed oyster shell so they may take as they need. I provide each year-round, in the run. I’ve seen all of my birds find theses resources on their own. I’ll even mix some shell/grit in with the scratch mix of Kalmbach Henhouse Reserve and dried mealworms.

When they molt, do most chickens retain most of their feathers, and lose a little at a time? Meaning, they don’t go bald, all at once, right? I know some breeds lose a lot of feathers at once, and some don’t. Is this observation correct?

Should I provide anything additional, nutrition wise, during the molt? If protein, how would you recommend I supplement it?

Molts usually begin as the days begin to shorten, correct? I know we just got over the hump of longer days.


How long does the molt usually last?
When they molt, do most chickens retain most of their feathers, and lose a little at a time? Meaning, they don’t go bald, all at once, right? I know some breeds lose a lot of feathers at once, and some don’t. Is this observation correct?

Should I provide anything additional, nutrition wise, during the molt? If protein, how would you recommend I supplement it?

Molts usually begin as the days begin to shorten, correct? I know we just got over the hump of longer days.

How long does the molt usually last?
It varies by individual. Some birds molt lightly and evenly throughout, and other than the fact that their feathers are floating around on the floor, you can't tell visually that they're molting at all.

Others are shamefully naked.


Extra protein can help, so either supplementing it via things like small amounts of meat, cat food, unsalted fish, or feeding higher protein feed can help with re-feathering. I don't supplement, they feather in fine as is.

It usually lasts a few weeks, though some birds blow out a lot of feathers fast and then grow back all at once, some do it more drawn out, so it takes longer.

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