New chick problem


9 Years
Nov 1, 2014
I don't know if this is normal & happens often, or a problem or just nervous nellie here. My chicks are hatching, not the first hatch, but I have one that just hatched & it's right leg keeps getting thrown to the tail. In other words he is so new he can't control his movements. But I'm concerned about his right leg. One leg under him & the other out behind him. What can I do?
It sometimes takes them a few hours to get up and about. really depends on how easily they hatched. Some are up and running quickly, some take a little time.

Congrats on the hatch! What are you hatching? How many?
It sometimes takes them a few hours to get up and about. really depends on how easily they hatched. Some are up and running quickly, some take a little time.

Congrats on the hatch! What are you hatching? How many?
I would wait and see if it goes back to normal. It might be a dislocated joint and if it is it isn't repairable. Just a wait and see.
I'm new to hatching, also but it sounds exactly what my first one did. It took about 48 hours but finally got its feet under it and walking. Took another 24 to walk well. It's 5 days now and running around fine.
Thank you to all who responded to my question. Ended up just to be me, nervous nellie. Bout 2 hrs. after hatch had leg under him. (Call him a him cuz he has big feet). Toes remained curled, but by morning, went out to cast his foot & couldn't tell which one had had the curled toes. Was so excited that 7 of 6 purchased eggs developed being shipped eggs with 4 extras just in case.
I think this hatch should go down in the books!!! My chicks are Black, blue & splash Ameraucana. All incubated in a bater, then 2 just before hatching at night slipped under a broody silkie. First time mom, so watched her closely. The rest were placed under her in the dark after they hatched, as they hatched. Never had an "assistant" helping with the care & feeding of my babes before. This sure is the way to go if you can. Again thank you all for your concern & encouragement. I think hatching eggs is one of the most exciting things I have ever done, but the anticipation is a killer. Never knew 21 days could take sooooo long.
Thank you to all who responded to my question. Ended up just to be me, nervous nellie. Bout 2 hrs. after hatch had leg under him. (Call him a him cuz he has big feet). Toes remained curled, but by morning, went out to cast his foot & couldn't tell which one had had the curled toes. Was so excited that 7 of 6 purchased eggs developed being shipped eggs with 4 extras just in case.
I think this hatch should go down in the books!!! My chicks are Black, blue & splash Ameraucana. All incubated in a bater, then 2 just before hatching at night slipped under a broody silkie. First time mom, so watched her closely. The rest were placed under her in the dark after they hatched, as they hatched. Never had an "assistant" helping with the care & feeding of my babes before. This sure is the way to go if you can. Again thank you all for your concern & encouragement. I think hatching eggs is one of the most exciting things I have ever done, but the anticipation is a killer. Never knew 21 days could take sooooo long.

Thanks for the update! Glad they are doing well. Hatching is very rewarding.... And addicting!! Lol

and i agree, giving them to a broody is definitely the way to go, when possible!.

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