New chickens, 5 weeks


Jun 13, 2018
Hello everyone:
I am new to owning chickens. Mine are almost 5 weeks old and they are sooooo fun!
I am curious to what breeds i have and if they are hens or roos?
I know the 2 black ones are Polish Silver Laced-They are awesome!
2 others are suppose to be Calico Princesses-Are these what the store said they are?
The last one and my favorite, its brown and white-no idea what this one is.
Any help on breeds and if they are hens or roo's would be soooo nice. I can't have Roo's where I live.
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For the most part, they're too young to sex. That said, the chick front and center in the 2nd pic may be an early cockerel. Comb and wattles this early in that color is usually indicative. I'd keep an eye on that one. Otherwise, repost in a few weeks, when they're 8 weeks old or so.
The brown and white one looks like a red sex link pullet. You will probably have to wait until they feather out and grow before knowing for sure if you have calico princesses, but they look right so far. They should be red or buff and be barred with white.
What did you end up with in the end?? Were they both hens?? I just got a calico princess and wanted to compare its development (boy or girl) Thanks

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