calico princess

  1. M

    What Breed/Gender are these?

    Hi All. First post. Forgive me if i do not incldue all the information. We have 6 Five-Week Old Chicks from TSC. We got them under the guise of Calico Princess Pullets (They were not labeled as straight run). In the first picture you can see the ones that actually are Calico Princess but we got...
  2. chickenmomma1108

    new/old chicken owner intro

    Hello BYC, thought I'd finally drop in and say "hello". 1. Yes, I'm new to raising chickens (got our first flock members in March of 2022), but old to raising chickens since my family & I did when I was a kid like 20 years ago. 2. We (husband & I) have 20 chickens right now. 2 roosters & 18...
  3. HenHouse Henry

    Calico Princess

    Last March 5th, I bought three chicks to add to the flock I started last year. One of them is a Calico Princess. On the 4th of July, she laid her first egg, it's a light cream color. She was 3 days shy of 18 weeks. Sandy is a big girl. already the size of our Australorp. Very friendly. This is...
  4. catobsessed

    Calico Princesses

    Man it has been forever since I posted here! With covid and all, the household agreed it might be a good idea to get some good laying hens in case we have meat shortages so we can get eggs as a protein source. Anyways, we got a new breed from Tractor Supply called the Calico Princess, and I was...
  5. HeatherKellyB

    Pullet only lays while it's dark outside

    Happy New Year and New Decade! I have an almost 20 week old Calico Princess pullet that started laying just over 2.5 weeks ago. She has taken one day off from laying during this time. There are 6 other pullets in her flock and they're all 20 to 21 weeks old, but the only other one looking...
  6. Relleoms

    Rainbow, Easter Egger & Calico Princess...which is which?

    All from Hoover’s Hatchery. These photos were taken around 10 weeks old. I initially thought, in order, they are CP, EE and Rainbow, but now I’m not so sure because the last one looks like my first flock of EE’s. The middle one is huge, so I’m assuming she is a he (no crow at almost 12 weeks...
  7. Wolfstorm82

    Noisy Peeper

    Hey guys, I have a question. I just got 4 new chicks. 2 Princess calico pullets and 2 Sapphire Olive eggers. One of the calicos peeps almost continually (even under a red heat lamp). The only time she calms down is if I am holding her. This is my first time having this breed. Is this common for...
  8. tharris2337

    Calico Princess

    What gender are my Calico Princesses? Please help.
  9. tharris2337

    New chickens, 5 weeks

    Hello everyone: I am new to owning chickens. Mine are almost 5 weeks old and they are sooooo fun! I am curious to what breeds i have and if they are hens or roos? I know the 2 black ones are Polish Silver Laced-They are awesome! 2 others are suppose to be Calico Princesses-Are these what the...
  10. J

    Sex linked characteristics

    Hi all, I got 6 chicks from our local farm store and some had "sex-linked" on their signs. I got 2 sienna stars, 2 dominiques, 1 calico princess, and 1 hatchery's choice (whatever that is). The chicks are 4 weeks now and I am trying to get a head start on sexing them. Could anyone tell me what...
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